July 30, 2005

early Saturday morning, 30 July 2005 [2:45 a.m.]:

Hey my big old Canuck!

How are you, honey? Look at what bloody time it is! I just finished a long email to a lovely bloke named Stewart who wrote to me. I started the email late because I had gone out to an Eagles tribute show – a band called "The Eagles Experience". They were very, very good. One of the guitarists was positively stellar and there were good vocals, drums and keyboards. They played tons of songs.

The lead singer/guitarist reminded me of you. He was a big guy and his arms (and hands) were covered with tatts. In spite of looking like a bikie, he seemed to me to be the "gentle giant" type – a feeling that I’ve gotten from you, too. Afterwards they invited the audience (about 500 people) to come up and meet the band members and he turned out to be so sweet and polite and respectful – just like you were in that first letter that you wrote to me.

Lots more going on this weekend – Warren has invited me to his house tomorrow afternoon for dinner and on Sunday Graham and I are going somewhere. Oops, I just remembered to put MSN Messenger on (highly unlikely that anyone will be on this late but you never know) and I’ve been waiting for Warren to let me know when he’d like me to show up. Damn, honey, I wish you’d pop up on Messenger – I still have "K" and "fishingfool" up in my list of contacts and I’m not going to delete them. I like seeing them there.

Honey, it’s cold and it’s nearly 3 a.m. and I need to get into my nice warm bed.

Wishing all the best for you and thinking of you constantly. All my love…

- Susan

July 28, 2005

early Thursday morning, 28 July 2005 [12:15 a.m.]:

Dearest, dearest Keith –

It’s been like a bit more than two days since I have written, KD! Please don’t think that I miss you any less it’s just that there has been a lot on. Warren came over on Monday night very late and didn’t leave until about 3:35 a.m. so of course I didn’t write that night and then the next night I went to bed early (and then I slept like sh*t).

Today I bought a suitcase for the trip! It’s one of the roller ones – nice and big – and it even has a sort of a ‘secret compartment’ which might do well for the jacaranda branches (reminds me – I have to ring the Canadian consulate to find out about agricultural restrictions). I will, one way or another, get those damn things in!

I’ve been a lot happier lately – who knows why – it just sort of happened. But I’ve found out with this grief thing, it’s like the tides in the sea – it pulls away and, after a time, comes flooding back. So I doubt that emotionally I’m going to go scott-free but at least for now I have had a breather from it.

Did I tell you that I finished my entry in the design competition (to design a cover for a corporate annual report)? Well, I finished one entry and tomorrow I’m going to work on a second. I’d like to do some titling tonight but I am just too cold. The days here have been beautiful lately but because it’s been clear it gets quite chilly at night. And we don’t have any sort of a heater except a little fan one in the bathroom. A gas heater with an electric fan was in the house when we moved in and we were looking forward to toasty nights but the damn thing doesn’t work and just takes up space. ;-(

Warren asked me out to his place for dinner on Saturday – nice, eh? And tomorrow, Graham and I are going to grab lunch. You know, here in Australia they really know how to make a hamburger – if you order one with "the lot" (as they call it) you get a toasted bun, meat, lettuce, tomato, fried onions (delicious!), bacon, fried egg, beet (sounds weird but is really good) and tomato sauce (ketchup). No pickle, no mustard, no pickle relish. But if you find the right sort of place, they are excellent.

Going to leave you here, honey. Looking forward to hearing from Don. Got Bon Jovi on right now but listened to ZZ Top’s ‘Greatest Hits’ and ‘Afterburner’ albums twice today on "our" iPod – the one with that " ‘You can never fail if you never quit’ - Keith" engraved on it.

Thank you, Keith, for all the smiles – then, now and to come. I love you…

- Susan

July 24, 2005

Sunday night, 24 July 2005 [11:00 p.m.]:

Hullo, KD.

Been a pretty good day except for a recent snivel. I watched "Out of Africa" again and you’d have to be made of cast iron not to be moved by it. I thought that you might like the following lines from the film, which are taken from "The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" by Coleridge:

"He prayeth well, who loveth well,
both man and bird and beast."

While you would probably not say it of yourself, I do believe that you prayeth very well indeed.

Have a good rest, my love –

- S.

Sunday, 24 July 2005 [2:00 p.m.]:

Hey ya, Keith.

Sorry, honey, but I never got a chance to write you yesterday. Today is lovely and warm like yesterday (but got cold in the night). Temperature between here and Abbotsford is again almost identical (‘cept here it is the middle of the day and there it is a bit after 9 p.m.). Thank God that I’ve got a waterbed with a heater – it is so nice to crawl into at the end of the day.

My news? – Last week I wire transferred some money into my Michigan bank account so I could send some money to Don and Alison (or whoever) for postage for your parcel. I think the last time that I heard from Don was on the eighth of June and he was going to send it when he had some time off (which doesn’t happen very often) and when he was going, I think, down to Vancouver. So I have to be patient – I certainly do not want him making any kind of special trip for me – whenever the parcel comes, I think, will be when it is meant to come. I know that the postage probably isn’t an awful lot but I just want them to know that I appreciate what they have done for me and, by extension, for you. I was pretty up-front in the letter that I sent Don (when am I not? – LOL!) in the hopes that he would have at least a glimmer of understanding me. I find it hard to realise that as close as you and I were that one of your best friends dislikes me as much as he does (not to mention ‘the family’). But I know that Don has his reasons and I respect that 100% - you loved him, honey, and that makes him a special person to me regardless. While he doesn’t know what you said to me, I don’t know what you said to him.

I am hope, hope, hoping that you sent Clayton’s book anyway – I think that after I told you that story about the blanket you would have sent it knowing that I was closer to the centre of things then very many people realise.

I looked your picture with the cub last night and I can see by your eyes and the look on your face that you know. Maybe no one else knows, but you know.

Oh, God, "Rough Boy" has started to play… [LOL! – now "Pearl Necklace" is on. I’m not going to say another word… ] Love –

- Susan

July 23, 2005

early Saturday morning, 23 July 2005 [12:30 a.m.]:

G’day, Keith!

And it has been a good day all around – it was warm and I got heaps done. Plus…

I was the happiest today that I have been since you died! I was happy like I’d be when I had spoken to you or knew that I would soon. It was as if someone had turned back the clock to January. It was really, really great! And it didn’t happen because I didn’t think of you at all – I thought of you constantly, as I always do.

More happy news – Warwick rang me from the Casino just a little while ago and he won $900 which he is splitting with his girlfriend, Alison. He says that he will give me $400 of his $450 to put towards buying a new ‘fridge. Yay!

Hon, I have to go: I am just too cold to sit here any longer. Get busy doing all the things that you want to do now that you’ve got your health back and have earned every single pleasure you can conceive. Go rafting and fishing and sledding and skiing and hunting for all manner of game and spending time with Clayton and you Dad and Pop and have some stellar sex with some gorgeous angel who will love you like you deserve to be loved. Remember, KD, you deserve the very, very best of everything. Hey, you probably need a refill on your Sleeman’s supply: remember to tell ‘em Susan sent ya’.

I adore you, sweetheart. Stay well…

- Susan

July 22, 2005

midnight, Friday 22 July 2005 [12:00 a.m.]:

Hi, Grizz. This will be short ‘cuz I want to get off to bed.

Full moon tonight – it’s beautiful. How nice it would be to meet you in the moonlight.

Had some help at work today which made a nice change and I worked on my painting this evening. I also transferred some money into my Michigan bank account and as soon as it’s popped up in the account I am going to send some money to Don for the postage for the box. I am going to send enough so that he can reimburse Alison for the money that was spent on postage the first time it was sent.

He just doesn’t like me, Keith, and I don’t think that there is anything that I can do to change that. And that’s a shame. And it’s all made worse by the fact that he is my only contact to you. I don’t think that he even wants to like me for whatever reason. He’s pretty unhappy about the way I talked about Alison and Colleen but that was later when I was frustrated out of my mind – I don’t think that he ever read the early bits when it was all sweetness and light, so to speak. I’ll admit that I don’t understand your family and the choices that they have made – but you have to admit that I loved Alison like a sister in the beginning before everything started to go wrong. And I’ve never, ever, ever said a bad word about your daughter (or Craig for that matter) – instead I supported them and you know that (remember that conversation we had on the phone in early December?).

Anyway, honey, I’m going to shuffle off. Oh, yeah, I just checked the Weather Network for 108 and it’s forecast a high of 31°C and sunny for next Wednesday. Will the fish be biting? Wish we could go catch a mess and fry ‘em up fresh for dinner.

Love you honey and miss you heaps –

- S.

July 21, 2005

early Thursday, 21 July 2005 [12:15 a.m.]:

KD –

Hey, hon, how are you? I was in veg mode today; got a little bit done but then proceeded to watch two videos. [When I should be doing housework, tidying up (our house would drive you nuts) or working on my entry in the painting comp.]

One of the films I watched was "Out of Africa" – ages old, I am not sure if you would remember it. Starred Robert Redford (I have a funny story I will tell you sometime about him) and Meryl Streep (she was so delicately beautiful in it). It was very, very sad and, of course, I cried. You know where I am going with this, don’t you? Yes, it reminded me of us. You like the swashbuckling Denys Finch-Hatton, always the adventuring risk-taker. And me the queen of tragedy who winds up losing it all. Not that we had a relationship like the one in the film, not at all (point taken, Don).

It hurts sometimes to think that you never said goodbye but then I haven’t received your package and I don’t know if you left a letter in it for me or not. You must have been busy in those last days, honey, with so many things to organise. You poor, sweet thing.

You loved me differently than anybody else and I think that is part of the reason that I miss you so. I think that I loved you differently, too, judging from what you said. I get pretty down sometimes and I try to think of you and how you lived your life and the lessons that you tried to teach me and I just hang on. Genevieve and I talked today about you wanting me to be more positive and the reasons why perhaps I find that hard. Rest assured, I am working on your Promises as I said I would.

I’m going to finish here – work is going to be very busy the next few days and I can’t get to bed so late as I usually do. Give Clayton a hug for me and tell your Dad and Pop that this ole Michigander will be on her way eventually and to keep their lines tight in the meantime. I love you, Keith. Stay well.

- Susan

July 20, 2005

early Wednesday, 20 July 2005 [12:30 a.m.]:

Hi, honey.

I just wanted you to know that today was a million times better than yesterday, thank God! I was OK, really OK. Only drama was that one of the bows of my glasses broke this morning. Got a temporary fix at the optometrist’s [really don’t have the money for new frames and lenses (and they said that they couldn’t put these lenses, that I only bought last year, in a new set of frames but would have to buy the lot) right now]. Hope this ‘temporary’ fix lasts!

Went out to dinner this evening with (another) George who had also lived in the US for a number of years. I doubt that anything will come of it; he was nice enough but from an entirely different background and there wasn’t much in the way of a ‘spark’. I dunno, I just seem to be younger or more playful or more fun then most men I meet that are around my age. That was part of your appeal, KD, that you lived your life to the full. How amazing you were and how I miss you!

The moon, lone singer in the sky, is nearly full already. Stay near me. Love…

- Susan

July 19, 2005

Monday night, 18 July 2005 [11:15 p.m.]:

Hey ya, my Keith!

When I got home tonight there was something in the mailbox that looked like it might be a form from the Post Office and I pulled it out – and it was a menu from a Chinese restaurant – LOL! (Don had said that he’d let me know when he sends your parcel and I know that he will do whatever he says that he will do. He’s going to a lot of trouble for me and I appreciate it.)

Speaking of Don – it was five months ago tonight that I got Don’s email confirming that you had died. Of course I knew, honey - you hadn’t gone five days without either getting in touch with me or telling me where you’d be and when you’d be back and would write again since the first week in January. So of course I knew. In fact I knew on the 10th – that’s the day that I wrote, "it seems like a lifetime" since I had spoken to you that second time on the 9th. It was a lifetime – it was the end of yours.

Today was good, I was pretty matter of fact about everything. It was good to see your photos in my office but I didn’t go over the top.

I left work late, about twenty to six. It was that special, special time when the trees are all in silhouette – they looked as if they were intricately cut out of black paper. The sky was a medium blue directly overhead but it faded to a smudged orange-rose colour on the horizon. There were two "stars" out – Venus and Mars. It was very, very beautiful and made, I think, just for those of us who notice and revel in such things… it called for stillness and a holding of breath for a heartbeat. (By the time I got home the rest of the stars were out and I got to say "hello".)

On the way home it hit me – I will never, ever be free of you. Nature sang in you, Keith, you were open to it like a child. And whenever I see nature – alive or inanimate – I will always connect it with you. The shape of a wing of a bird overhead, the smell of pines, the movement of water, the faint glimmer of stars, a kitten at play – I will always, always think of you. God etched you in my heart. I am sorry in some ways for it for both our sakes but that is the way it is. I don’t know why – I have to believe that you came to me for a reason other than to make me a better person. I want to believe that you got something out of it, too. I know on some levels that I comforted you but was it enough, was it all worth it? For you, I mean, was it worth it for you? I want to believe it was – would you have contacted me all those times (I didn’t contact you, remember?) if it wasn’t doing you good? Or was it your sense of duty – you knew that I was crazy over you: did you contact me because you thought it was good for me? I just don’t think that you would have done that. Oh, honey, I am over analysing it again, I know. But you come to mind so often and I go over and over in my head… everything. The first sweet email that you wrote me to "we’ll get together when we can" on the 9th. Every email, every ‘phone call, every MSN Message, every card, every gift… I am trying to celebrate you, I am trying to be positive like you tried to teach me but my heart is so heavy and, honey, it is breaking. I don’t know how to live without you. All this running around I do, all these people, all these places – they are just a diversion. I miss you. I don’t understand what happened. Even if Don is right and you "only" loved me as a friend, I still find the grief nigh unto unbearable. If I knew that I’d see you in the afterlife, I would beg for death.

This is pathetic and unhealthy. And I can’t see any end to it. Don is right – you definitely would not want me to grieve for you and certainly not to this extent and for this long (I had no idea myself that it would be like this). I was good to you, honey, please be good to me and help me, OK. I need your help and I hate to ask for it – you need to be able to be free. I want you to be free and happy and well and doing all the things that you want to do. But if you want to come and if you want to help, I crave it, Keith. I am so, so sorry to have to tell you that I need you. I feel so cheated to only have had you for as long as I did (and Ken agreed with me when we talked about it). I know a million reasons why I fell in love with you. But sometimes, sometimes I can believe a million reasons why you might have fallen in love with me and that’s your gift to me, that knowledge of self and self worth that you gave me. Keith, you are such a special person and I wish you believed that a bit more in your life. You seemed to crave approval when all of us around you were in awe of you. Your relationships with women – you shouldn’t have put up with anything but the absolute best because you were worth it. You were a gentleman, you were a SNAG, you were a friend extraordinaire, you were a good father to both your children (don’t ever let anyone beat you up over Craig), you were a good provider, you were a sportsman and a total rager. You knew what friendship meant and knew how sacred a promise could be. If there was anyone around you that didn’t love you then there was something wrong with them and not you. I can only think of one negative thing about you – you had a tendency sometimes to have a certain "Keith’s way or the highway" thing going. You wouldn’t brook any argument or discussion, it was just all your way. Well, I learned to live with it – I think it’s a shame that you decided that I wasn’t to come over but that’s what you decided [Lord knows what would have happened if I had come anyway (and I think it might have upset some of your plans)].

Well, I’m not crying now like I was a couple of paragraphs before. I’m freezing and it’s almost 12:30 a.m. I’m going to go to bed and try not to cry when I get there. I miss you constantly, I love you always.

- your Susan
P.S.: Keith, I never set out to love you. You were an acquaintance, an on-line friend. You were cheerful and funny and interesting. I looked forward so to your stories and to your pictures. And so passed November and December. But January – January was my gift to you and February was your gift to me. My friend, you are ever in my heart.

July 18, 2005

Keith and the trophy spring salmon on the Kitimat River. This is my second favourite photo of the Grizz. And he's wearing "my" hat! ;-) [Click to see a larger picture.] Posted by Picasa

very early Monday, 18 July 2005 [12:30 a.m.]:

I’m back!

Hi, hon, kept forgetting to tell you… Do you remember Justin Duggan the drummer for the Bushwackers and owner of "Sydney Flyfishing Tours"? I picked up a magazine called "Outback" while I was at Dr. Ross’ last week and there was an article about saltwater flyfishing and a huge picture of Justin in it with an equally huge golden trevally. He had that big grin that all flyfishermen seem to get when posing with their big catch. Actually, you know that photo I love of you with that spring salmon from the Kitimat – well actually you don’t have that grin on, just this wonderful proud look. I love everything about that photo and I especially love you.

Here’s a big hug in case you need one in Heaven – {{{HUG}}}. Missing you always –

- Susan

late Sunday night, 17 July 2005 [11:45 p.m.]:

Hello there, Keith –

How are you, honey?

I’ve had a pretty good day – didn’t get much done around here ‘cept a bit of laundry but worked on my painting, sent some emails and listened to lots of music. Oh, I also ripped some CDs, mostly Celtic stuff [one artist (so talented, it was scary – reminded me of you) had a mouth a lot like yours so he reminded me of you in a couple of ways]. I was wondering what you’d think about some of it. "Dyer" is some kind of Anglo/Saxon name (another of your stories that I wish I knew – where did your Grandpa come from?). And Graham came over, too. He was a complete sweetie and went grocery shopping with me (he doesn’t like it either) and while we were in the shopping centre two Chinese women got into a fists and all fight. (I haven’t seen two women fighting since I saw two catfighting over a dryer in a laundromat way back when Wozza and I lived in Glebe – that must be at least fifteen years ago. Was enough to make me go out and buy a washing machine – LOL!)

"Rough Boy" is playing right now – and it reminds me of someone on Match.com named Mike. We will have to see where that one goes. Damned if he doesn’t live in Adelaide!

Working tomorrow and then seeing the specialist on Tuesday afternoon. I am looking forward to seeing her to see if things are resolved but at the same time a bit nervous at what she might say. I pray to God that she can help me or at least refer me to someone who can. I am so, so thankful it didn’t happen in remote BC, that’s for sure.

Honey, I’m freezing so I’m going to stick this in my blog and then go to bed. Hope you are well and happy. All my love –

- Susan

July 17, 2005

Sunday, 17 July 2005 [10:45 a.m.]:

‘morning, KD –

I woke up this morning, as I do many mornings, looking right at your ‘cub’ photo – the instant I open my eyes, I see you looking back at me. And everything comes flooding back – the fun and laughs, your stories (oh, how I loved them!), the things that you confided in me, the way I tried to ‘read’ your moods and your mind so the conversation kept on the plane that you wanted it to, the hugs you sent me, my fears when a day or two went by and I hadn’t heard from you. But, honey, I cannot really remember your voice! If you rang me now on the ‘phone I’d have to ask who it was – I think that is terribly sad (like so much else about this relationship that died before it was truly born).

So many tears. So very many.

‘bye, sweetheart…

- Susan

July 16, 2005

Saturday, 16 July 2005 [11:15 p.m.]:

Hullo, Keith.

Sitting here listening to some Celtic music and it is beautiful. In the photo of the musician, Medwyn Goodall, on the cover of the CD he has a mouth and beard a lot like yours. There are something like seven instruments or more and he plays them all and has composed, arranged, etc., the entire album. Another talented man like you.

In the last twenty-four hours I’ve recorded music from South Africa (Ladysmith Black Mambazo & Miriam Makeba), Louisiana (zydeco), Spain (the Macarena – LOL!) and this Celtic music. A bit on the eclectic side! I simply cannot wait until I once again have a CD player in my car. It’s like everything else – get in the queue: dental work, ‘fridge, trip to BC (yes, yes!), car repairs, CD player. Doesn’t that make me sound materialistic?

God, I miss you! The last few days have been terrible and I don’t know why. Sometimes the grief is bearable – always there in the background but bearable. But at other times it just takes over and colours everything. You knew better than me how much I’d be hurting, didn’t you?

Off to bed…

- S.

early Saturday morning, 16 July 2005 [12 midnight]:

Grizz –

I’ve just gotten home from going out to see a duo play at one of the clubs. I saw the most amazing thing there – there was this man that could really, really dance. If his partner wouldn’t dance a number with him, he would just get up and dance by himself. He was so into the music. I wanted to ask his partner if I could dance with him when she wasn’t (but I thought that might be a bit rude) and I wanted to ask him if he had a brother – LOL! It was amazing to see.

I have to admit that I got teary-eyed a couple of times listening to the songs that they played because they made me think more consciously of you (honey, I always think of you, it’s just that sometimes you are more in the forefront of my mind and take up more of my thoughts than other times).

The stars were beautiful when I was on my way to the club so I spent a moment with you. Just a few days ago the moon was the tiniest sliver but already it is half full. And already we can tell that the days are getting longer – I hate the short, dark, cold days.

I was thinking of you on your beloved sled the other day and I am so glad that you lived your life in the way that you did - squeezing the most out of every moment and being such a good friend, brother and father. You weren’t perfect, Keith, but the angels knew you were damn close to it and they just called you home to be with them again. Please help me to be more like you.

Every day that goes by brings me that much closer to receiving your package, which I long for and, at the same time, I dread. When I get paid on Thursday, I am going to send some money to Don. I will have to send it via Paypal because I got rid of all my cheques on my Michigan bank account thinking I wouldn’t need them. I hope he will send some of it off to Alison or whoever since they paid for the postage only to have it returned (grrrr). I am sorry to have troubled them, especially since they have such a low opinion of me (which I think is undeserved).

Sweetheart, don’t trouble yourself over anything. Be strong, be free and be happy. I love you, your friends love you, your family loves you. And we all dearly, dearly miss you. If we know you are happy where you are it makes our loss easier to bear. I don’t know why you’ve gotten so much under my skin like you have but try to make that fact a quietly happy thing for you and not a burden. I love you and want you to have all the very best of everything – everything. And I mean that without reservation.

‘night, Grizz.

- Susan

July 15, 2005

Friday evening, 15 July 2005 [6:15 p.m.]:

Honey –

I am listening to a Jimmy Buffet CD and of course you were brought poignantly to the forefront of my mind with these lyrics:

He Went To Paris – Jimmy Buffet

Some of it's magic, some of it's tragic,
but I had a good life all the way.

Oh, honey, that so describes you. If there was only a way that we could go back and erase all the tragic parts and you could be with your friends and family again. We miss you and we love you.

- Susan

Thursday night, 14 July 2005 [11:30 p.m.]:

My KD –

Today was warm and nice and Graham came and picked me up for lunch. Tonight is cloudy and I can’t see your stars so we will have to be together that way another time.

I made a colour photocopy of one of the photos from that photo essay in National Geographic that I mentioned in my post of 29 June. The young moose is slumped to the ground and looking at a raven that has been feeding on him. The look in that moose’s eye…

Went to the scrapbooking place tonight for a couple of hours and I also worked on my painting today. On my birthday I bought box of tools for scrapbooking (eyelet setters and punches and all sorts of stuff) and I used some of the tools to make stencils to use to aid in painting bits in the design that are repeating.

Saw Genevieve at Grevillea Cottage again today and of course you came up and of course I got a bit weepy. You were so good for me and to me and I miss you so much.

It’s almost midnight so I’m going to close and get off to bed – I am working in the morning. Enjoy yourself wherever you are.

- S.

July 14, 2005

early Thursday morning, 14 July 2005 [12:45 a.m.]:

Hey ya, my Keith.

I’m just checking in with you to remind you (as if you need to be reminded!) that I love you and I miss you and I always will. Thank you for being the most marvellous person imaginable. I have the hardest time understanding why your family doesn’t want to celebrate you and share you with the world: you deserve it, honey, you do.

Tax time soon, I just have to wait for one more statement and then I can file – I am hoping for a good-sized return this year and I am hoping that it will pay for my airfare and that I will just have to save up for the car hire and expenses, etc.

Heading off to bed now. Thank you for being with me. When you are with your daughter again, give her an extra hug from me. She is in my thoughts.

"We’ll get together when we can" (7 February 2005). Love,

- Susan

July 12, 2005

Tuesday, 12 July 2005 [6:00 p.m.]:

Hey there, my Grizz.

God, Keith, today was awful. I burst into tears in the car on the way into work but, thank God, I didn’t cry while at work (getting a bit weepy right this moment, though). Five months on and I am still grieving. It’s awful. And how many men have I gone out with lately? You’d think I’d be too distracted to miss you and weep for you. I do know that when you come and are with me, during those times that I can feel your spirit with me and sometimes even feel your physical presence, I know that it makes me feel better. You make me strong and I can handle more. So don’t leave me, honey, I need you. I hate to be selfish and needy but I really do need you. But I keep reminding myself – the second best thing in my whole life happened just last November when I met you and you showed me a whole new way to be. No regrets, KD, no regrets.

I might write later but there isn’t really any need – I know that you can see me right now and I know you know how I feel. I know that you’re not happy about it (about all this excess of grieving) but, at the same time, you know how I feel about everything that did and did not happen. Whether or not you loved me "romantically" or "just as a friend" (as Don says) it doesn’t really matter – at times our lives were conjoined and changed for the better and no one can take that away from us.

Have a whale of a time doing exactly what you want to do with no restrictions and only visit me if that’s what you want. Kia kaha.

- Tiger Woman

July 11, 2005

Monday, 11 July 2005 [11:15 p.m.]:

Oh, honey!

I just went to the Action Animals website and there were pictures of Rowdy and Simba (none of Kisa). And I closed the site and there was your picture taken at the end of January in front of Alison’s house with Kisa and I just burst into tears. Oh, honey, I miss you so! Tomorrow it will be five months since you died. I didn’t think that it would bother me more than usual (I thought that I’d be more upset when the six-month anniversary comes ‘round). But here I am, sobbing again and again getting my cheeks wet, my glasses dirty and tears all down the front of the jumper (sweater) that I am wearing. Keith, Keith, Keith!!! Why did God take you from us?

If only there was a way you could come back. I miss you so very, very much. I’ve been trying really hard to "move on" (and as you can see, sometimes too hard) but it’s not working very well. It’s almost as if these people are a means to an end (letting you go) rather than people in their own right. I know that sounds horrible and it scares me that I might just be going through the motions for all the wrong reasons and not seeing them as individuals. Does that make sense? I’m not saying that it is that way but I think I have to be careful with what I do.

OK, hon, I’m going to get ready for bed. It would be nice to hold you again.

- Susan

Monday, 11 July 2005 [7:30 p.m.]:

My Grizz –

Hey there, honey! I got in not long ago from being with you in the stars. It’s a bit cold today – it will be nice when it’s warm enough for me to sit out in the yard looking up at your stars and just enjoying being with you. Oh, I’ve been meaning to mention, on my home page (Excite) I have the weather for Sydney and Abbotsford displayed and you would be totally amazed that, at least for this time of year, the temperature are usually exactly the same for the two.

I put a Swarovski crystal faceted droplet in my car, hanging from the rear vision mirror [I already had a Daffy Duck (who else?) stuffed animal and a rosary from Fatima (and you’d be amazed at the number of times that I pray for all of us on it)]. The sun hits the crystal and there are mini rainbows everywhere. Nice. I suppose that I should say here that, unlike Michigan, there doesn’t seem to be any law here about putting things in your windows – Asian, especially, seem to like filling up the front and back windows with all manner of stuff.

Been eating too much lately and can’t go back to the gym until the 20th at the soonest so I have started putting back on a bit of weight (but I can still fit into my size 14 stuff). That’s why I’m early posting tonight – I had a late lunch (lasagne) today haven’t felt like doing dinner. Better do it soon – "Oz" is on at ten tonight and I don’t want to miss it – best show on TV.

Still no refrigerator but I am coping with Steve’s camping freezer and Coleman cooler. It’s a bit like camping (well, fairly fancy camping – I never took a freezer out before!) but you just have to plan ahead.

God, honey, the fun things that we could have done if we had gotten together – in Seoul, in BC, here in Australia. Not only do I miss you daily, but I mourn all the things that we didn’t get to do. When I get to Heaven, son, you had better set some quality time aside for me ‘cuz we got a date!

‘night, honey, I’m off to watch the world news and then ‘Oz’. You take care ‘cuz there are lots of people down here who love you. All my love –

- Susan

July 10, 2005

Sunday night, 10 July 2005 [9:15 p.m.]:

Hello, Keith.

Busy, fun, cold day today. Gusty wind and not a lot of clouds meant it stayed cold all day and it will cold tonight – thank God for the waterbed heater!

Cleaned out Steve’s Coleman cooler (my styrofoam one is just useless), raked up tons of pine needles (did you ever know a pine to drop it’s needles when it gets cold?), vacuumed out the car, did some shopping, went to the pet supply warehouse to get food and litter for the cats plus a new collar for P.K. and went out with a Scottish man named George**. We went to a Korean BBQ restaurant in Lidcombe (of course, I thought about the time last December when you asked me to go to Seoul with you). I’d seen the place on my way to work a couple of times and it must be authentic because it was packed out with Asians. They put a charcoal burner in the table and you order beef or pork or chicken (some of which has been marinated) and lots of little dishes of condiments and salad and pickle and you just cook your meat the way you like it. Oh, yeah, honey, they had that beer that Jimmi brought you. (As if I needed anything to remind me of you.) George had even lived in Utah and had been out deer hunting and I talked about my Dad and brother hunting and fishing so you were very much in my mind.

What I haven’t done today is work on my painting for the competition – I better get to it! Work tomorrow – I have an appointment on Wednesday morning – maybe I will take Tuesday and Wednesday off and work on the painting then.

I found some great CDs at the Parramatta library – one was Alasdair Fraser [Scottish fiddle plus bagpipes and other instruments (beautiful)], then Ladysmith Black Mambazo (worked with Paul Simon on the "Graceland" album) and a trio that did Spanish and Turkish music but it turned out it was sort of modern jazz Spanish and Turkish and I didn’t like them at all. Of course, I have ripped Alasdair Fraser and some of the Ladysmith Black Mambazo CDs. Listening to Ladysmith Back Mambazo right now – damn, I wish that I had a CD player in my car (got stolen) [bummer, could have asked you to send me yours out of your truck (provided you weren’t giving the truck to one of your friends].

Honey, you weren’t here last night – why was that? (I imagine that time doesn’t work the same way for you that it does for me so I’m sure that you can spend time with your daughter at the same time that you are with me – at least I think that it would work that way.)

Honey, I’m going to go now. I hope you are just filled to the brim with happiness and have everything your heart and head desires. I think that I will never again be truly happy until I see you again. Enjoy everything that you earned…

- Susan

**Well, Keith, you have a ringside seat to all that’s going on. Now I kind of think that, sweet as you are, you were fairly appalled by my age (plus you never saw a decent photo of me). But what is it with these guys? Most of the ones that are in late 40s, early 50s are sooo old acting – they just seem like dried up old men. (Not to mention most of the 40-somethings look at least ten years older than me.) And the one’s your age and younger are pretty averse to going out with an "older woman" (and Rick was twenty-two years younger than me and we were together for 7-1/2 years – LOL!). Oh, well, I guess I will just have to persevere.

July 09, 2005

Saturday night, 9 July 2005 [9:15 p.m.]:

Hi, my Keith.

Early tonight, aren’t I? I think I’m going to go bed early tonight and it’s going to be cold so here I am.

Honey, I fell asleep in tears last night. Sometimes I just seem to be overwhelmed with feelings of grief – as if someone dashed a bucket of despair or hopelessness over me and it hits me in the same way as having a bucket of water flung over me. One minute I’m OK and the next I dissolve in tears. But I really am so much better than I was! And the overriding emotion is one of thankfulness for you, for your life, for your love and friendship. But, damn, I sure still miss you!

Not much happened today – got up late, did some shopping, went to the Library, toured a gym to see about membership there and watched "Seven Years in Tibet". And now just trying to figure out how to stay warm! Today I held a poinsettia petal on the palm of my hand and they are just so fluorescent a red they fairly glow. So many amazing things to see. If only I could see you.

I’m going to go and send a couple of emails and then have an early night. Thank you for being with me so much lately, KD – it helps, it really does.

‘night, sweetheart.

- Susan

July 08, 2005

Friday, 8 July 2005 [10:45 p.m.]:

Grizz –

Not a lot to report today – crazy lorikeets and eastern rosellas at work today. And Quesnel Lake on my monitor and you all over my walls.

I got treated to a "home cooked" dinner tonight. Frank, from Glen Innes, came down in his caravan (motor home) this week and tonight he came over and cooked a lemon chicken stir-fry for me and even brought a bunch of red roses! I am getting spoiled. (And if all this keeps up, I will start putting weight back on.)

I have the Bushwackers CD on and Justin Duggan (that runs the Sydney Flyfishing Tours) is singing "Beneath the Southern Cross". Which reminds me – it’s overcast tonight and I couldn’t be with you in the stars tonight.

Brrr – it’s cold and I’m going to get ready for bed soon. Keith, you never have to be cold or sick or unhappy ever again. I miss you but I am happy for you. I don’t know when we are going to meet again but I know that we will and that’s a pretty comforting thought. Keith, you taught me and showed me so many things and I am so grateful to you. You’re the second-best thing that ever happened to me in my life and I will never, ever have a single regret (only that you were sick).

Good night, my very best friend.

- Tiger Woman

Thursday, 7 July 2005 [11:45 p.m.]:

Hullo, my Keith.

I’m sorry that I missed yesterday. I guess that means that I am taking steps to "move on" but it doesn’t mean that I miss you any less or love you any less.

I know now (and you probably do, too) what it would have been like if I had come. I have surprised myself and would have surprised you, too. I know that you have been with me lately and I know that you see everything that is going on (quite a bit, wouldn’t you say?!) Maybe it’s because you now see what it would have been like that you are with me so often these days. But we can’t change things and we can’t go back to how it was before you left us so we have to live with the choices that we made.

I can’t tell you what a difference it has made to my attitude to know that Don is taking care of the package! No more fretting, looking for it here and at the old house, no more trips to the Post Office. Probably a wasted emotion but I am so angry with their parcel delivery people who took no notice of my redirection order (that I paid for!) and just sent it back without forwarding it on. I’ve got to get some money together and send it to my Michigan back account so I can send some money to Don and to who ever sent it initially (Alison?).

Going to go – it’s just gone midnight and I have a couple of things to do before I can hop into bed and I have to leave for work a bit earlier in the morning.

Hope you are feeling free and happy –

- Susan

July 06, 2005

Here's Keith's very own jacaranda tree! By spring it will have lost all its lacy, fern-like leaves. So, when the beautiful jacaranda-blue blossoms appear, there are no leaves to distract the eye from the tree's beauty. Keith loved these trees from the moment he first saw them.  Posted by Picasa

Wozza and the jacaranda tree - it's just a bit bigger than him. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, 5 July 2005 [11:45 p.m.]:

Hey there, my KD!

Boy, hon, today was a nice day! Lovely out and warm and Warwick and I planted your jacaranda tree in the front yard by the corner of the verandah. I still need to do some cleaning up around the base of it and then I’m going to plant some flowers at the base – maybe some purple cineraria. The soil was beautiful and black for about 30cm (12in) but there was clay at the bottom and I was glad that I bought the compost to put in the hole.

In spite of all the troubles of late, I have to say that I was fairly happy most of the day. In spite of all the crap going on and all the things going wrong I can’t go past the fact that I have a wonderful, wonderful son and I was fortunate not only to meet the nicest, sweetest, most interesting man in the whole world, but for him to become my dearest, most cherished friend. I know I probably sound a tad nuts when people read this but I reckon that I’d be completely nuts if I didn’t love you as much as I do because you were that good, that special, that wonderful.

I was sooo lucky to be able to get to meet you and get to know you and share our private times together – if I weren’t grieving there would be something wrong for sure.

OK, Grizz, that’s all for tonight. I’m going to include a couple of the photos of your tree – maybe we should measure it so we can check and see how much it’s growing. Take care, sweetheart. All my love –

- Susan

July 05, 2005

early Tuesday, 5 July 2005 [12:30 a.m.]:

Hey, there, Grizz!

Well, in spite of everything, I had a great day today! And again on the way into work I wished I had the camera so that I could take a photo of those si
lver and gold onion domes on the Russian Orthodox church. Also when I went down to the canteen to get some yoghurt for lunch the lorikeets were going crazy in a gum tree feasting on the pink gum blossoms and it would have made a nice shot for you. Keith, do you see what I see?

I know that you are with me sometimes – I know you were with me last night. I talked out loud to you and I could feel how heavy you felt on the bed. There was a while there that I either couldn’t feel you or when I did you felt completely insubstantial – like a cloud or a puff of air. But last night I felt everything: your regular breathing that soon took up the same tempo as mine, the backs of your knees, your big butt, my breath blowing on the hairs on the back of your neck. Thank you for coming to be with me. Do you do it because you want to do something different for a change or because you know I miss you or maybe because you miss me. I don’t want you to miss me, I don’t want you to ever want for anything – I want you to have every single perfect thing that you want – no matter what it is and where I stand in it. I want you to be happy, Keith, I wanted that then, I want that now.

Got to go – don’t know when the truck will get here with the jacaranda in the morning. The tree that I picked out was a bit shorter then some but had a nice trunk and the leaves on most of the others was a pale yellow-green but this one had nice deep green leaves.

God I miss you! Thank you for the photos – they help so much. And soon I’ll get "the" hat – MY hat!!! Love you heaps, honey –

- Tiger Woman

July 04, 2005

very late Sunday night, 3 July 2005 [11:55 p.m.]:

My Keith –

Hey there, handsome Canuck! A bit of a strange weekend. I spent a lot of time on Saturday reading, Warren is being very weird and I can’t figure out what’s going on and he’s not talking and Graham and I went for a drive up to Dural and I bought – ta dum! – a jacaranda tree for the front yard! I am so excited – it is going to be delivered on Tuesday morning (too big for the car) and I bought a big bag of compost to give it a good start. Just think – in November, along with the other jacarandas, I can bring blossoms from "our" very own tree. It’s only little so there won’t be many but there will be some.

[I spoke to Warren since I wrote that above and have gotten some things sorted out.]

Did I tell you (I don’t think that I did) that I bought some dry flies? You’ll probably either a) laugh uproariously or b) throw up or c) leave Heaven and fly down here and give me a smack (I do remember you talking about spanking me once and I never took the bait and didn’t let on) when you find out that they’re "Rex Hunt" flys!!! Yup, I got me a Red Tag, an Elk Hair Caddis, a Black Beetle and a Hen Spinner – how’s that! You’re probably spewing but I actually like a couple of the patterns. I don’t know what to make of some of the instructions: "use a double taper or weight forward floating line and a 3 to 5 metre leader with a fine 1 to 3 kilo tippet point". Says that they’re for trout – honey, you caught some of the most beautiful rainbows in your time but I gotta say that I just don’t like trout for eating – walleye’s for eating!! But then Rex here is being a good sportsman and suggesting catch-and-release.

Honey, I gots to go – it’s another cold night and I’m looking forward to getting ready and then hopping into that warm waterbed.

I love you heaps, Keith. [Oh, yeah, I got the flys to go in your scrapbook – should look great.] ‘night, hon…

- Susan

July 02, 2005

early Saturday, 2 July 2005 [12:30 a.m.]:

Hey ya’, my Keith!

Well, now that it is finally the first of July in Canada, I can finally say "Happy Canada Day"! Good thing that it fell on a Friday so everyone will get to have a long holiday weekend.

Got home a short time ago from having a night out with staff from the University farewelling three staff members who are leaving. It was at a nice Italian restaurant. We had a set menu and they just kept bringing out more and more dishes. The whitebait was superb. I kept looking ‘round the room and wondering how you would have fit in if you were there – and I am sure that you would have charmed everyone. You funny, blustery man with more than a fair share of bravado – you would have charmed them all, I know.

I miss you, hon. I wish, at the very least, we could have our talks on the ‘phone and on Messenger. I am struggling to stay positive (more for your sake than for mine), make it through each day and even try to have a bit of fun. Kerrie’s partner, Grant, drove me from Uni to the restaurant and on the way back to drop me at my car I was looking up at the stars peeking through the clouds and trying to connect with you like you said.

I’m going to go now ‘cuz I want to write a short note to Warren whom I wrote to you about on Thursday. I am still astounded.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record – I love you, Grizz, and miss you. Visit me when you can. All my love –

- Susan

July 01, 2005

Friday, 1 July 2005 [9:30 a.m.]:

‘morning, KD!

Just a note to say that it’s a beautiful, sparkling morning and the windows are glowing at their brilliant best.

Talk to you tonight –

- love, Susan

Thursday, 30 June 2005 [11:45 p.m.]:

Hi, again, my Grizz!

Keith, an amazing thing has happened (besides the fact that it has been raining for eight days straight). I’ve had a few chats with a muso named Warren and in doing so I told him a bit about you. He said two things that blew me away. One, that I should always cherish you and look for you in the stars – he is the only, only person who seems to believe this, most everyone else thinks that I should be well and truly "over you" by now. Both you and I know that I never will.

But the second thing is the most amazing – he knew, without me telling him, that the Promises you asked me to make to you were for me and not, as it would seem on the surface, for you. I’ve tried to explain this to people but they don’t seem to understand – Warren understood without me even telling him. I am astounded. Keith, did you send him to me to help me with my moving on? I wouldn’t be surprised at all if you have. I love you and trust you, honey, you do whatever you think is best and do what pleases you ‘cuz that’s all I want for you.

I’m going to go and I have to work in the morning and still a bit off colour so I best get in bed.

Sleep well, my treasure, and enjoy everything that your Heaven has to offer you. Don’t forget to get St. Peter to restock your supply of Sleeman’s Pale Honey Ale for the summer. Go see your daughter and love her and let her know that you are with her and then come and see me – you are sorely missed.

- Tiger Woman