March 16, 2006

Thursday night, 16 March 2006 [9:35 p.m.]:

Hey, KD!

How are you honey? You won't believe what's happened... Yesterday afternoon I had to take a module over to the Printery and on the way I met two senior lecturers from the School of Biomedical Sciences. They were floored when they heard that I had been given notice by MRS. Right away they asked me if I would be interested in teaching anatomy and first-year physics - and this morning I got an email with my times for two hour-long lectures in anatomy starting on Monday. Can you believe it *I* am going to be teaching at the University of Sydney!!! Far out! I am completely rapt - it's like a dream come true! This is just so cool - on my resume I will have clinical, administrative and now teaching experience at the Uni - wow! You were always so supportive - I know you will be pleased and happy for me.

Don R and I aren't going to be able to go camping after all as his son, Mitchell, has a soccer game on Sunday. But we are going to go for a drive up the coast on Saturday and, if the weather is good, we are going to take the surfboards. He has both Luke and Mitchell the following weekend so we can't go then; maybe the weekend after that, we'll have to see. I hope we can as autumn is here and the days are getting shorter and chillier.

I did make that Thai green curry fish the other night and it turned out scrumptious - I know that you would really like it. (Whether I would have been able to get the ingredients in 108 or 100 Mile or Williams Lake I don't know.) Yeah, I would have liked making stuff for you and eating your elk stew and knocking around together. You're my best mate and I miss you terribly. I want so badly to hear your voice again.

Got to go - I haven't been getting enough sleep lately and I've got to brush up on my anatomy - luckily I'm just starting out on the upper limb (a.k.a. 'arm', LOL!) and have a while to go before I have to do the head and neck which is real, real complex. But I wasn't doing an Honours degree for nothing and I genuinely like people so, while a challenge (I'm real rusty), it should be fun and a good experience. I'm pretty sure that it's in the anatomy labs where the students work with cadavers - for the first sessions that I'm doing there will probably be about five arms laid out in the stainless steel troughs in the lab. Some people find it gross but I just find it completely fascinating - damn good thing, eh?

OK, good buddy, I gots to love you and leave you. I'm taking good care of your Sage hat (and it now just smells like you and not like you + cigarettes). I miss you and think of you always with so much love -

- always yours, Susan

P.S.: Mid way through March and the jacaranda tree on Harrow Road still has blossoms on it - amazing!


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