Saturday, 25 February 2006 [noon]:
Hey, Dude!Wow, honey, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it? I’ve had many, many late nights and just haven’t been able to write. This coming Monday I have 55 students on Campus and I have been busy getting prepared for them as well as preparing materials for the students in the other subjects. I have to go out to the Campus later today to pick up stuff from the Printery that didn’t get finished Friday – this very thing happened last year. But last year the students started on the 19th – and it was the night before that Don M rang me to “officially” tell me about your death. While I knew it already in my heart it was a bit of a blow to hear it. I must have been in some weird state because I was able to get up in front of all those people and do my little bit and look 100% calm and at ease. And I was really dying little by little inside. I guess, in some ways, I still am.
Ugh – Don R is on Messenger right now and for some reason it really irks me. It was awful what he did.
OK, lessee, what’s happened lately? Hasn’t been real good, I’m afraid. But, somehow, I keep seeing you through it and I am able to somehow persevere. There’s been lots of stars and lorikeets and cockatoos and blossoms that always feel like a message from you. I got a call from the personnel person on Main Campus about two applications that I had made: they were not accepted because – wait for it – I didn’t address the selection criteria in point form!!! Well, I wasn’t very happy about that and the call came in on my mobile (cell ‘phone) just as I was going out the door for work. While I was opening the gate, a hibiscus flower dropped directly at my feet and I thought, “Keith is trying to tell me that it’s all right”. You have ways of keeping in touch, don’t you? Thanks, hon, I know you care and I’m sorry if that caring holds you back in any way. I know that you never meant to care but we got too close and you got ensnared. Well, I never planned on loving you, either, but it happened and, as it turned out, we were each just what the other needed and at the right time, too. (Oh, by the way, I’m wearing your Sage hat this very minute.)
I got a letter back from the Brotherhood MCC and I’ve been invited to attend (and speak!) at their March meeting. I wrote a quick email about how much I liked the Silverwater bike show and asking about the winners in some of the bike categories (remember, I was torn between this nice BSA and a Harley?) and I mentioned that only two or three of the bikes entered had any information about the bike or the owner or wherever. So I suggested that they consider making up a standardised A-4 (that’s a paper size – a lot like letter size) info sheet for each entrant and have it in a frame in front of each bike and I volunteered to do it. They like the idea and that’s why I’ve been invited to the meeting. See, I really am turning into a bikie chick – LOL!
I had to get my navel repierced! It just wasn’t straight – the ball on the top was sort of off to the left. Didn’t look too bad with these barbells that I have (it looks sooo nice, so pretty with all the iridescent colours) but if I got a belly bar that had any hanging charms or anything it probably wouldn’t look too good. That’s actually what I want – a belly bar that has a loop or ring at the bottom that you could add silver charms to and be able to change them. I haven’t see anything like that and Robin, my piercer, hasn’t either. OK, that’s all I need – a seller of piercing jewellery – LOL!
BTW – I haven’t heard from Don M yet, hope it’s only because he’s been away on work and not because he doesn’t want any more contact with me. That would be such a shame.
In an effort to keep myself at home (instead of out spending money that I don’t have) I’ve gotten out a few movie DVDs. I saw “Cold Mountain” (pretty OK); “Heaven & Earth” (an Oliver Stone film – absolutely excellent); “Jean de Florette” (French film with subtitles – I’d seen many years ago. A good story.); “House of Sand and Fog” [very, very good – Ben Kingsley (‘Ghandi’) and Jennifer Connelly (‘A Beautiful Mind’)] and “The Passion of the Christ”. I just don’t know what to say about “Passion” – I mean, I’m from a Catholic background and I wondered how many Catholic school kids are going to get ushered into the school gym in order to watch it. I was fantastic to hear the dialog in Aramaic – some of the words, like “mort” (dead), were the same as Latin.
Speaking of the Middle East – last week one of the Islamic sects blew the dome off an important mosque that held a shrine with the remains of two Imams [10th and 11th descendants of Mohamed (somebody let me know – do I have to type PBUH here?)] that was revered by the other sect. It was at Samarra and the mosque that was blown up was beautiful; well, before it was beautiful. I’m telling you, there will be civil war (if it hasn’t started already) and it will be terrible. I wish the US would just pack up its gear and piss off and leave them to it – this just doesn’t have anything to do with the US and they should get out and spare the personnel that are there. It doesn’t make any sense. Another thing that’s been happening over there – a Danish newspaper published a number of cartoons that many Islamic people have taken great offence to. All sorts of Western business have been torched and there have been many deaths in riots, etc. I have to tell you, I saw the cartoons on the Internet and they were pretty damn tame. I know that I will sound disrespectful if I say that some people have no sense of humour but for even one person to die over this is crazy. Far, far worse humour has been directed at the Catholic Church and at Christ and the Trinity but we don’t go out and commit murder over it! Islam scares me – it seems to have the ability to inspire completely rabid fanatics. How they can do what they do in the name of religion I don’t know. (And it’s scary living in a neighbourhood that I would guess to be about 85% Islamic.)
I had a weird dream last night – very detailed and definitely in colour – LOL! I was in Phnom Penh (where else?) and was some how restricted in my movements – I think that I was a political prisoner. I was walking on the streets (sort of looked like Vietnam before the war) and trying to keep out of sight of the traffic cops that were directing traffic at large intersections. I went ‘round a couple of corners and there was a double-decker bus parked by the side of the road on the other side of the street. It was all painted in sort of a graffiti style – and it was advertising American-style pumpkin pies – LMAO!! Then I walked back to the main street and saw all these large trumpet vines with huge white flowers in planter boxes all along the road. How the hell I managed to come up with this in a dream I don’t know – it doesn’t seem to have any relevance to anything going on in my life at the moment.
I have to go – have to get ready to go out to the Campus to collect the printing. I need a shower anyways – while we haven’t had any rain to speak of in months and months it is still muggy and humid and I seriously need a shower – due to clean my piercing now anyway.
Trust that your hat is being looked after and cherished. I’ll write again when I can. All my considerable love –
P.S.: BTW – both my cameras are broken (!) and I can’t take pics of anything (and I don’t have the $$$ to get them fixed).
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