March 21, 2006

Tuesday, 21 March 2006 [5:45 p.m.]:

Hi, Keith – here I am again.

I’ve been meaning to tell you about all the special things that I’ve been seeing lately – things that I suspect are gifts from you: to keep up my spirit, to remind me of the joys that abound. Cockatoos calling from the trees and overhead; lorikeets chattering about their latest nectar find; pine needles caught in the fencewires of my gate and making an urban haiku – all of them gifts from you. On the weekend I got up to all sorts of stuff and among them was the task of washing the car (something that Warwick usually does). In the process of sudsing and rinsing I saw on the ground the most amazing thing: the tiniest, tiniest feather that you have ever seen. It is, from tip to the base of the quill, less than 9 mm long and it is a perfect miniature of a “real” feather. It is just exquisite.

Today was good – very good indeed! Everyone at Biomedical Sci have been great and I was treated like visiting royalty – makes a change from MRS, eh? But you should see what I have to teach on Monday morning: all of the muscles of the arm (there are quite a few when you remember that includes all the muscles of the hand) plus tendons, and points of insertion, etc. And yikes – I have thirty students in each prac! They come to the centre for a lecture/demonstration and then divide into four groups to study what we call “wet specimens” (human cadaver parts). At least now they put in the Handbook that students will be working with cadavers in this subject – back when I it we had students walk out of the course on the afternoon of the first day when they strolled into the anatomy lab and saw body parts around the place. Some find it gruesome; I just find it fascinating.

Hon, I’m going to go – baking a banana cake for Don R and it smells like it’s just about done. There was a terrible cyclone in northern Queensland yesterday and it centred on the banana and sugar cane growing regions – in a few weeks time there won’t be a banana to be had at any price – best to enjoy them now.

Tell Clayton I spent part of another evening reading his first book – it’s great, isn’t it? Take care, dude, and give my regards to Clayton, your Dad and your Pop. Love,

- Susan


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