July 18, 2005

late Sunday night, 17 July 2005 [11:45 p.m.]:

Hello there, Keith –

How are you, honey?

I’ve had a pretty good day – didn’t get much done around here ‘cept a bit of laundry but worked on my painting, sent some emails and listened to lots of music. Oh, I also ripped some CDs, mostly Celtic stuff [one artist (so talented, it was scary – reminded me of you) had a mouth a lot like yours so he reminded me of you in a couple of ways]. I was wondering what you’d think about some of it. "Dyer" is some kind of Anglo/Saxon name (another of your stories that I wish I knew – where did your Grandpa come from?). And Graham came over, too. He was a complete sweetie and went grocery shopping with me (he doesn’t like it either) and while we were in the shopping centre two Chinese women got into a fists and all fight. (I haven’t seen two women fighting since I saw two catfighting over a dryer in a laundromat way back when Wozza and I lived in Glebe – that must be at least fifteen years ago. Was enough to make me go out and buy a washing machine – LOL!)

"Rough Boy" is playing right now – and it reminds me of someone on Match.com named Mike. We will have to see where that one goes. Damned if he doesn’t live in Adelaide!

Working tomorrow and then seeing the specialist on Tuesday afternoon. I am looking forward to seeing her to see if things are resolved but at the same time a bit nervous at what she might say. I pray to God that she can help me or at least refer me to someone who can. I am so, so thankful it didn’t happen in remote BC, that’s for sure.

Honey, I’m freezing so I’m going to stick this in my blog and then go to bed. Hope you are well and happy. All my love –

- Susan


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