July 01, 2005

Thursday, 30 June 2005 [11:45 p.m.]:

Hi, again, my Grizz!

Keith, an amazing thing has happened (besides the fact that it has been raining for eight days straight). I’ve had a few chats with a muso named Warren and in doing so I told him a bit about you. He said two things that blew me away. One, that I should always cherish you and look for you in the stars – he is the only, only person who seems to believe this, most everyone else thinks that I should be well and truly "over you" by now. Both you and I know that I never will.

But the second thing is the most amazing – he knew, without me telling him, that the Promises you asked me to make to you were for me and not, as it would seem on the surface, for you. I’ve tried to explain this to people but they don’t seem to understand – Warren understood without me even telling him. I am astounded. Keith, did you send him to me to help me with my moving on? I wouldn’t be surprised at all if you have. I love you and trust you, honey, you do whatever you think is best and do what pleases you ‘cuz that’s all I want for you.

I’m going to go and I have to work in the morning and still a bit off colour so I best get in bed.

Sleep well, my treasure, and enjoy everything that your Heaven has to offer you. Don’t forget to get St. Peter to restock your supply of Sleeman’s Pale Honey Ale for the summer. Go see your daughter and love her and let her know that you are with her and then come and see me – you are sorely missed.

- Tiger Woman


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