June 28, 2005

Tuesday, 28 June 2005 [11:30 p.m.]:

Dearest Keith –

Another day of slow continual rain – excellent! The dams really need it and especially those farmers with livestock or crops.

I am completely perplexed about where you are, KD. Are you still forty-five and with your Grandpa (like I think you are) or are you a spirit going here and there or a quanta of pure energy or have you been reincarnated to someone or something else? I want to be with you no matter where you are. I want you to keep teaching me like you did; I want to spoil you like I did, just shower you with every wondrous, awesome thing. I really only have Rick and Graham to spoil and it’s not at all the same thing. But to Graham’s credit he does try to remind me to look after myself and to put me first some of the time.

The "Susan’s bad news of the day" for today is that when I drove into the gate at the University this morning Terry, the guard, said one of my tyres was nearly flat. I was just so disgusted and off put about the whole ‘fridge thing I didn’t take his suggestion to turn right around and go to a service station but left it until I got out of work and dealt with it then. It will be interesting to see how low it is in the morning.

Sorry, no Australian literature for you today. But there were rosellas when I got out of work and I also saw one of the large brown and black hares, too.

I miss you so very, very much and there are still tears most days. I thought that I’d be "over" that part of my grieving but I guess not yet. I just found you so warm and wonderful and funny and polite and talented and all those other things that I’ve said again and again. So I miss your positive effect on my life. I didn’t have you anywhere near enough, Grizz, and I’ll regret that for as long as I live. I know it (after, I’m sure, an initial period of bitter, bitter tears) will make me so happy and so thankful when I finally receive that package that you organised for me. The hat! The hat! I get the hat! I know I will sob when it arrives and it may even take a day or two for me to be able to open it and then more tears but then I’ll be positively delirious and over the moon about it! Really looking forward to it and really thankful that Don is going to take care of it for me. And talk about thankful – you were sick, honey, and you took the time out to organise that for me. A heartfelt thank you, Keith – I am ever mindful of all the things that you did for me and I always will remember you with so much love.

‘night, Keith – tell your Grandpa and Dad and Clayton that I think of you all.

- Susan


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