September 29, 2005

Thursday, 29 September 2005 [11:00 p.m.]:

Grizz –

Keith, it’s been the weirdest thing – it has almost been like you have been haunting me the last couple of days. I never thought that I’d ever say it, but it almost feels unpleasant. So strange.

Today I sent the application for bringing in the jacaranda flowers to Tom from Duncan to apply on my behalf (applicant has to be a Canadian citizen). The person in Ottawa has been really pleasant and helpful which is great.

Miss you and there’s been buckets of tears the last couple of days. I’m hoping after I get things straightened out with your friends and get to say my goodbyes to you, that things will settle down a bit. I expect to be at Quesnel Lake exactly two months from today – the anniversary of the day that you first wrote to me. And neither your nor I saw what was coming…

Anyway, I love you, hon…

- Tiger Woman

September 28, 2005

Wednesday, 28 September 2005 [9:30 p.m.]:

K.D. –

Well, I have to admit it – I am miserable. I am upset and out of sorts with about everyone and everything. I haven’t been this depressed in ages and I miss you so. I’ve just come from looking at Lavalife-listed guys from BC – do you know there is one there who is pictured with a tiger (didn’t look like Kisa) – it sure made me do a double take! I don’t know what I am doing torturing myself with a bunch of Canucks but there you go. No answer from anybody in Canada so I am having to find out info as best as I can. Hope I don’t ruffle any feathers. For instance, I’ve just written to someone listed who is at Quesnel in the hopes of getting some local information.

I am wondering who bought your truck – I will just die if I am in the 100 Mile House area and I see the damn thing. Your Polaris you could get away with (blend in with the crowd) but that green Dodge was something special. I am so upset at the way all this planning is (or isn’t) going that I feel sick to my stomach most of the time. I ordered two tourist guides to BC – I am having a hard time finding maps so maybe the books will help me sort things out.

I’ve got to go – feeling so tired and off. I keep waiting for you to get on MSN or send me an email or ring on the ‘phone – but of course you never will. And it’s been so long since we spoke, I don’t even think that I’d recognise your voice and that just breaks my heart.

I sure do miss you…

- Susan

P.S.: We found out today that Warwick’s ATM bank card was stolen out of our mailbox. I am scared to death that Don has resent your package and it has been stolen. I had the idiot mailman leave a book from Amazon just sitting on the top step just two metres from the sidewalk in full view of everyone passing by. Imagine if I missed out AGAIN on your precious package. It just seems as if Don should have resent it by now (although he did say that he would email me when he had resent it). This all has been so hard on me – I sure wish that I could have an easy time of it for a change. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you – but I don’t, for one second, regret a single thing. Thank you for your life – you are the second most special thing that has ever happened to me.

P.P.S.: If you are someone reading this and you think this is all just over the top, just remember two things: 1) you weren’t there and don’t know what went on at the time; and, 2) I really don’t give a f*ck what you think.

P.P.P.S.: ZZ Top kicks ass.

September 27, 2005

Tuesday, 27 September 2005 [10:45 p.m.]:

Keith –

Hey there, hon. Well, I finally got with the program and ordered the Lonely Planet Guide to British Columbia (secondhand). It will take weeks to get here but since I’m not getting any help from over there I’m just going to have to do it myself. I am very disappointed not to have heard anything from anyone. I getting very depressed with everything that is (and isn’t) going on in my life right now. It’s not going to be very long and I’ll be taking my seat on the plane and will be on my way to (somehow) say goodbye to you.

I don’t know why it’s been so bad again – I guess it’s just the normal ebb and flow of grieving. I don’t want to miss you and I don’t consciously set out to do it but, by God, I do. To think that I will never, ever (in this world anyway) talk with you or laugh with you or have fun or go dancing or ride around in the truck or talk on the ‘phone or just watch you while you sleep. I tried to help you as much as I could but now I seem unable to even help myself.

I’m going to go – I’m all upset and unhappy. I’m no use to me and certainly no use to you, either. Sorry I couldn’t have been better – sorry I didn’t have enough $$ to have been there for you in December and January when you needed it (it would have been nice if you didn’t have to offer to pay for my ticket to Seoul) – sorry I didn’t have a magic wand to wave around and make everything better: for you, your friends, your family and for me. I’ve always been a helpful person, always generous and there for everyone – but I couldn’t fix you and it drives me nuts. My biggest challenge and my worst failure. No, I’m not being positive right now, you are right. But give me a break, Keith, and kick some Canuck a$$ on my behalf right now ‘cuz I’m needing a big dose of T.L.C.

Yup, I love you and miss you as always…but things are just not going well, ATM.

- Susan

September 25, 2005

Sunday evening, 25 September 2005 [9:00 p.m.]:

My Grizz –

Honey, I miss you so much lately. I want you just to scoop me up and hold me, if only for a little while. I want to wind time back to the third of June 2004 and be the person that took that picture of you with the cub. I want to see you wearing that same grey t-shirt and, of course, your old sweat-stained Sage fishing hat. I want you and Kim to let me hold the cub and I want you to hold me. I know that’s the way you want me to think of you – your big chest and strong arms - and not like your January photo taken with Kisa at Boxcar Street.

I haven’t told you this yet, but every night, when I turn off the monitor just before going to bed, I stroke the left side of your face with my hand and catch my breath, every night, when the warmth of the screen gives me the illusion of you being real and with me. Oh, God, Keith, I miss you. Nothing here seems to supplant you in my mind or in my heart.

The house is, while basically pretty damn humble, looking a damn sight better. For the first time in quite awhile, I’ve put up a lot of the artwork that I have. There are about three pieces that have to be reframed and an oil painting still to be hung but the place is starting to look comfortably lived-in. And while Rick was in the UK he bought me a full-sized Welsh flag! I have a place of honour reserved in my bedroom for it. It wasn’t ‘til I started putting up the artwork (and posters) that I realised how many oils, watercolours and sketches that I have. You didn’t know about my silver bracelets, either, did you? I have something like 23 or 24 and I look (and sound) like a gypsy when I wear them (and, of course, I never remove eight of my rings). There are two dragon rings that I only wear occasionally – they tend to get caught on things, so they’re just for dress-up. And I have a beautiful silver dragon pendant on a long twisted silver chain - it nestles between my breasts. It looks out for me those times when you can't. Oh, and I’ve got a temporary tatt on my a$$ - I am in danger of looking like a bikie chick! (Who gives a rat’s a$$ anyway? This old world needs a bit of shaking up anyway.) Put the tatt (a unicorn) on my a$$ where I was going to put your "K.D." tatt but, you know, it’s hard for me to see there and I want to be able to enjoy it! I’d love to be able to get both tatts (the shoulder one and the a$$ one) and I’d want so much to show them off to you first. Well, I guess you’ll see them anyway, one way or another.

The only mail that I have had from Canada has been from Ottawa – the Import Control & Enforcement Officer that I contacted about your jacaranda blossoms has sent me back links on how to make an application to be able to bring them in. I will have to ask Tom from Duncan as the applicant has to be a Canadian citizen. I’m hoping that he doesn’t mind. Other than that, I’ve heard nothing from anyone from your mob. I feel so marginalised and disregarded – I would have thought that my heart would have been broken enough over this whole affair. I wonder how all your friends and family are doing without you – you have left quite a hole in the universe, you know!

Got to go or I won’t be able to stop the tears. Stay well and feel the love we all have for you –

- Susan

P.S.: Spring has come to the jacaranda tree that we planted in the yard for you - the feathery leaves are a deep, lush green.

September 23, 2005

Friday, 23 September 2005 [11:30 p.m.]:

Keith –

Hey ya’, handsome dude – how’s it going?

Bloody hell, I miss you! And I’m a wreck waiting to hear back from your post office friend or from Don – he is driving me right ‘round the bend, I swear. I am terrified that he has found out that Alison or whoever got rid of your package and he doesn’t want to be the one to let me know. IF I DON’T GET YOUR PACKAGE or IF I DON’T HEAR FROM DON BY THE TIME I LEAVE FOR VANCOUVER, I AM GOING DIRECTLY FROM THE AIRPORT TO BOXCAR STREET. He promised that he would email me as soon as he sent it and I haven’t heard a thing since the first week in JUNE! He seems like such a nice guy but it just seems like it has been sooo long! Could he possibly be working all summer long without taking a break? He said that he had some things to do in the ‘city’ for himself (I’m glad he wasn’t going to make a special trip just for me – oh, for Christ sake, be honest – he’s not doing it for me, he’s doing it for you.) I am trying really hard to hang on and be patient and grateful but, sh*t, it’s hard. I want so badly to read what you wrote to me! I want to hold on to that Sage hat tight, tight, tight – like holding on to a piece of you. You are sorely, sorely missed. And to think that a year ago today I didn’t know of your existence and you didn’t know of mine. What an awful lot we both have missed out on!

Ordered a new mobile (cell) ‘phone today. It’s got polyphonic ringtones so I hotfooted it over to a site to download "Rough Boy" as my ringtone – and it isn’t available for my model Nokia - ;-( . Hopefully, I’ll be able to find it somewhere else. Still no word from Willy, the webmaster at about the November tour dates. Just another thing to hold me up so I can’t make the reservations! C’mon, Grizz, kick some Canadian and Texan a$$ and get ‘em to get back to me (come to think of it, all of the ZZ Top mob might be on the run from Hurricane Rita ATM). This has been a b*tch of a hurricane season this year.

You should see Venus! Lately it has been HUGE.

K, dude, I’m going to get ready for bed. Love you honey…

- Susan

September 21, 2005

Wednesday morning, 21 September 2005 [10:00 a.m.]:

Me again, Keith!

Guess what? – I actually got a letter from Canada!!! Unfortunately not from Don or from the post office boxholder but from a really lovely person at the agricultural importation department in Ottawa. So now I’ve got the info I need to apply for a permit (and a Canadian citizen has to do it – I am going to ask Tom from Duncan) and your jacarandas will be on their way. ;-)

I’m sure you’ve heard of Dido – here’s some lyrics that I thought were good:-

White Flag – Dido

And when we meet, which I'm sure we will,
all that was there will be there still.
I'll let it pass and hold my tongue
and you will think that I've moved on.

I will go down with this ship
and I won't put my hands up and surrender;
there will be no white flag above my door -
I'm in love and always will be.

I have moved on, it’s true, but I haven’t ‘gotten over’ you and I never will. I miss you and hope you are well and happy –

Much love –

- Susan

September 19, 2005

- see below - Posted by Picasa

A 'superb fairy wren' - the male is absolutely gorgeous: the bright blue on the head seems brighter in contrast to the dark body. The call of these birds sounds like the tinkling of tiny musical bells. Posted by Picasa

Grevillea - birds like honey-eaters and rainbow lorikeets love these. My campus (Cumberland) of the University of Sydney is completely landscaped with Australian native plants so we have lots of bird life. Posted by Picasa

Monday, 19 September 2005 [9:00 p.m.]:

K.D. –

I have this thing that I do – whenever I see beautiful, remarkable or special things, I always want to tell you about them. I imagine you seeing the world now through my eyes (and I think, too, that when people look into my eyes, that they are seeing something of you). Well, today was another one of those ‘days of birds’.

I got up about ten after seven and I tiptoed like I do (so I don’t wake up Ruffie and the cats get a chance to have something to eat before she tries to herd them!) to the kitchen. For the first time since we have been in this house (Eastertime), I could hear a type of bird called a ‘bul bul’ – they have a beautiful, warbling song and I wanted you to be able to hear it. (I tried to find a bul bul image on Google and couldn’t find one so you could see one – they have this funny tuft on the top of their heads that looks like a spike. Red patches on the cheeks, too. They’re quite pretty.) Not long after there were six or seven ‘superb fairy wrens’ in a tree one yard over from ours. They make a call like the tinkling of tiny bells. Luckily, Google had an image of them so you can see how beautiful they are – there’s a reason they’re called ‘superb’!

Then when I got to work, I surprised two rainbow lorikeets in a grevillea (I’ll post a grevillea picture, too) – they were so absorbed in harvesting the nectar that they didn’t notice me until I was right next to them. When several of us went to lunch later, the same thing happened.

Haven’t seen the hares in several weeks and I haven’t seen any of the cats that I suspect are feral, either.

OK, hon, going to leave you here and get back to some PV readings.

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy –

- Susan

Monday, 19 September 2005 [6:30 p.m.]:

Hi, Keith.

How are you, best buddy?

It’s a bit hard for me right now – I started doing my polycythemia vera research and it is bringing back so many memories from when you were so ill. Oh, honey, I felt so helpless then – I wanted to fix everything for you and I couldn’t help except to listen and to laugh with you. I had no magic wand to wave and make it all better for you or for me, either. But know that I am keeping me Promises to you just as you asked.

I just checked the time in BC – it’s three o’clock in the morning on Monday so it’s a bit early for that letter of mine to make it into your post office box. I’m all nervous and capricious like a colt in anticipation! And please, please, please whisper in Don’s ear so that he answers me! Just think, the Canadian summer is almost gone and still no word!

Ruffie is being a handful, as all puppies are. Today she dragged the toilet brush into the middle of the lounge (living) room (icky, eh?) and she got into my scrapbooking stuff. Honey, I had all sorts of stuff for your album and she has just wrecked a heap of it. She destroyed a whole roll of expensive double-sided foam mounting tape. I also had three cards of beautiful beads and buttons and things (really lovely stuff) destined for some of your album pages and she has just wrecked them. And she apparently had a good time chewing up some rubber stamps. I am running out of high place to put stuff up on while I go to work.

About work, well, tomorrow might be my last day working at the University – I am seeing the Head of School tomorrow afternoon about my job: it’s either going to be more hours or a higher rate of pay or bye-bye time. It will be ** very ** hard to put aside any money for the trip if I’m not working but I just cannot go on any longer like it is. Graham says that I shouldn’t worry about where I’m going to stay or what I’m going to eat while I’m in BC ‘cuz I always seem to fall on my feet but I’m a little concerned. After all, it’s one thing to bum it in a third-world country but I can imagine that things around Williams and Quesnel Lakes could be quite expensive and, I’m afraid, a tad tourist-y (and there go the prices).

Speaking of prices – petrol (gas) prices are exorbitant here. I know that they are in the U.S., too, so I guess they will be in Canada as well. Here they are blaming Hurricane Katrina – as if the Gulf platforms have anything to do with petrol here. Petrol suppliers really sh*t me. ;-(

OK, hon, back to my initial PV fact-finding mission! Help me out when you can, OK? I know, I know, I know you are 100% aware of what is going on down here and you can help guide us. Oh, speaking of ‘guides’ – I haven’t asked you to say ‘hello’ to your Dad, your Pop and Clayton – hugs all around, OK?

Love ya’ –

- Tiger Woman

September 18, 2005

Sunday, 18 September 2005 [10:00 p.m.]:

Hey, ya’ my cool dude!

Well, wouldn’t you know – just as I started this "All I Know" has just come up on iTunes. Figures.

Honey, I am really missing you lately – it was seven months ago tonight that I got that first email from Don. Damn, was it ever nice of him to write and it wouldn’t have been easy. Boy, I wish I could hear from him: it seems like such a long time ago that he said that he would send the package and email me when he had. I am getting crazy over it again, it is taking sooo long. This whole thing of not being able to make reservations or to know what is going on is taking it’s toll. Why does it all have to be so difficult?

I was in the back yard today playing with Ruffie and I got to thinking about what you and I would have been like together. What a shame for you that you never got to know. You had said about your relationships with women and how none of them had been good for you – well, I would have shown you something completely different to what you would have had before and it would have been great for us both. I wish, those times when you were down, that I could have held you and taken all the pain and the bad memories away. I should have been there for you, Keith, I really should have. And, ya’, I understand completely about Saturday night / Sunday morning but I’m sure you could have had it just the way you wanted it even with me in the picture.

I hope that you can see me now and you can more fully understand my nature. I’m sure that sometimes I must surprise you but I know you well enough to know that you’re not shocked and I know you know that I would have pleased you. We both have missed out on so very, very much.

I am going to try and start my research this week. I’m also considering a letter to Ken this week and anticipating that my letter to your postbox will arrive. I can’t remember if I told you or not, but I am seeing the Head of School at the University on Tuesday afternoon and I am considering resigning. I will have to see what she says but I am sick of how unfair my work conditions are. It will be a bad time to quit – I’ve only saved up enough for my airfares and I still have to pay for your pilot friend’s fee, Greyhound ticket, accommodation, food and assorted spending money and – oh, yeah! – ZZ Top tickets! ;-) Totally awesome! (And I have you to thank for me going absolutely crazy over them!) After the trip I hope I can get my hands on the "Chrome, Smoke and BBQ" boxed set. Oh, there’s a thought – I could have asked you for a couple of your ZZ Top CDs, that would have been cool. What was it that you played for me over the ‘phone? – I was thinking today that it might have been the intro to "World of Swirl".

Missing you and loving you seems to be an essential part of me – there just is nobody else in my life who looms so large as you. You had such a good time livin’ your life, the angels just couldn’t wait to have you with them and God called you away from us. But I don’t blame you for leaving us – it was so hard for you at the end you just had to leave us, didn’t you? No regrets, sweetheart. I will always love you, you know that. For always. And you also know that I would have done anything for you.

Kia kaha, Grizz.

- Susan

September 17, 2005

Saturday, 17 September 2005 [midnight]:

K.D. –

Just wrote Willy, the webmaster at , to ask about November concert dates – hope I can manage to get a concert (or two!) organised.

Just looked at a few of your photos and the tears have started again. Partly ‘cuz I’m tired, but mainly ‘cuz I just miss you so. Jeez, I hope your daughter is doing better at this grieving thing than I am, poor thing.

Here’s an old song but I’m sure you’ll recognise it and I know you’ll know that’s how I’m feeling, even after all these months.

Time In A Bottle – Jim Croce

If I could make days last forever,
if words could make wishes come true,
I’d save every day like a treasure and then,
again, I would spend them with you.

But there never seems to be enough time
to do the things you want to do
once you find them.
I’ve looked around enough to know
that you’re the one I want to go
through time with.

Let’s hope I get good news from Canada soon.

All my love –

- Susan

September 16, 2005

Friday, 16 September 2005 [6:45 p.m.]:

Hey ya’, my Keith –

Well, I finally found those Chinese lunar calendar figurines I was looking for in Chinatown – found a place in Parramatta that had the whole set. So, I got a boar for you and a tiger for me. Put them up in the stained glass casement windows in my bedroom and they look nice. Going to get one for Warwick, too – I’m pretty sure that he is Year of the Monkey but not 100% so I’ll wait to buy it.

Well, I reckon that whoever has ‘your’ postal box will probably get my letter on Monday (that is, if they check the box daily). I’m pretty confident that it isn’t Don’s box and that it isn’t one of your family members’ either. It would be great if it were Paul’s and excellent if it turned out to be your friend the pilot’s.

I can hardly wait to get a (constructive) reply and completely hanging out to hear from Don about the package – it’s just been such a long wait!!! ;-(

OK, hon, going to go and do a bit of reading. Graham and I are going out tomorrow night and tonight I am just going to take it easy and maybe get into bed at a reasonable hour for once.

Love you, hon – take care…

- Susan

September 15, 2005

To donate to the ASPCA's Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief Fund, go to: . Posted by Picasa

Thursday, 15 September 2005 [6:30 p.m.]:

Grizz –

Hi, hon. Dude, I need your help! I want to put in a banner for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) so people could follow it to make an on-line donation. I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t know how to do it – and I know that you could tell me how. For now, I’ll just put it in as a "Hello/Picasa" photo with the URL as the caption and hope it works out!

Miss you, honey.

- Tiger Woman

September 13, 2005

Tuesday evening, 13 September 2005 [7:15 p.m.]:

Keith –

Well, I did it. Late last night I wrote a letter to your friend at 108 Mile Ranch who let you use his Post Office box and asked him a lot of the questions that I have been asking of Don. (Who knows, maybe it even is Don!) I mailed it by regular airmail today and I’m guessing it will be there by next Monday. I sure hope that it doesn’t turn out to be one of your family member’s mailboxes but I’m pretty sure it isn’t. And I am also hoping that the person who had the box over the winter still has it now, most likely they will. I just had to do something so I can organise the trip – today was the last day of the special fare to Los Angeles: isn’t it just my luck?

You should have seen the moon a couple of days ago – the most beautiful crescent with Venus and another star suspended above it. You know those pictures of women winnowing grain? – well, it looked like that, as if the stars were being tossed in the air by the moon.

Missing you a lot, honey, and loving you so. I am looking forward to that day that I know is coming – the day that we will meet. I know it will happen, I just don’t know when. Enjoy yourself in the meantime and live every second to the max as you did down here.

Love –

- Susan

early Tuesday morning, 13 September 2005 [12:30 a.m.]:

Keith –

Thought of you so often today – it was seven months ago that you left us and we all miss you so. It is sooo reassuring to have your photos looking down on me and comforting me and giving me strength.

Seven months ago I should have been there – no matter what. I know that for a certainty now but of course we can’t turn back the clock. That I didn’t come will be one of the chiefest regrets of my life. I know that didn’t exactly fit in with your plans but we would have worked it out.

I was thinking, too, today about how you’re my treasure and about all the things that you did for me and for Warwick. You are sorely, sorely missed. No one will ever again have all of me because you have a big chunk yourself.

Thank you for being so special –

- Susan

September 09, 2005

Frank, Billy & Dusty - the awesome ZZ Top. I'm almost delirious waiting for the November 2005 "Whack Attack" tour dates to be released. If I'm lucky enough to be able to go, I know Keith will be sitting on my shoulder taking it all in with me. Posted by Picasa

early Friday morning, 9 September 2005 [12:45 a.m.]:

My K.D. –

Hon, I have just had a big cry. I was sending a letter to that travel agent who organised my flights for February about my trip to BC and I went to look up the date of your first letter and a copy of it was in my notebook and there were your Kisa photos and Quesnel Lake and that pic you took when Ken wouldn’t let you have the truck keys and you went off on your "sled". Oh, honey, I just couldn’t help myself. I read that very first short email that you sent me and the tears just came down - you were really the sweetest thing. You are just completely amazing and awesome.

I am trying to organise the flights and I haven’t heard a peep from Don since early June and I’ve got to find your friend the pilot, Paul’s ranch and I’d like to meet Don if he be in it. I’m getting on a Greyhound in Vancouver and I don’t even know where I’m heading – 100 Mile House, 108, Williams Lake, Quesnel, Abbotsford???

I’ve just sent off an email to asking about the November tour dates – would that be too awesome or what? Bugger – I wish I could remember what song of theirs it was that you played for me on your truck stereo on the 9th. Really, Keith, I don’t think you knew what a very special person you are.

Well, the tears have stopped and it’s way past my bedtime and I need to send a short email to Graham before I go to bed. Have to make sure that Ruffie is set for the night, too.

All my love –

- Susan

September 06, 2005

The gold and silver domes of the orthodox church in Lidcombe that I mentioned in my post to Keith on the morning of 5 July. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, 6 September 2005 [8:00 p.m.]:

Keith –

Hi, hon. I just wanted to tell you (as if you didn’t know) how very, very much I miss you. There are so many things that I want to show you, to share with you, to discuss with you. So many things to do together! There are things about me that I want you to know; things that you missed out on the first time around.

So many questions in my mind and not a peep from Don. I just have to believe that he is busy at work and has other stuff to do and will get in touch when he can. I have to believe that or I will go nuts. (He would probably argue that I already have.) I want to book my flights as soon as I can but I am sitting here waiting for Don to answer my emails. *sigh*

Today, BTW, is Warwick’s twenty-second birthday and he is over at his Dad’s.

I was with you in the stars awhile ago – Venus and the crescent moon were beautiful tonight. I was wishing that I were down at Warren’s and seeing the stars from there. That’s another thing that I have to look forward to on my North American trip – Ursa Major and your own special star. My Grizz, how much I love and miss you!

‘night, sweetie.

- Susan

September 04, 2005

Sunday night, 4 September 2005 [11:15 p.m.]:

Grizz –

Hi, hon. Just got finished sending a quick email to about the November ZZ Top shows – I am so hoping that I will be able to go! You got mentioned in the email, of course, since it was you that I have to thank for putting me on to them.

Missed you a lot today – even had a bit of a cry while I was in the shower this morning. How can it be almost seven months since you died? It seems like only a couple of days ago that we last spoke. I seem to be happier and happier these days (a bit tired, though, from all the work that I had to do the last couple of weeks) and I know it’s because of everything that you did for me. How ever can I thank you other than by living the way you wanted me to live?

Only had Ruffie for two weeks now and I can already see that she has grown. It’s like having your spirit around the place to cheer me up and make me laugh. I’d like to see you with her – you had, no, you have such a big heart, and it would be fun to see you two together. God! I miss you so and I love you, too, as you know.

Spare a thought for those poor people in Louisiana – they, too, have had their whole reality ‘swept away’.

I’m wondering how your daughter is – I guess that by now she’d be back at University after summer break. Hope all is well with Craig, too, and Alison and everybody else in your family. And your friends – a great bunch – I tend to think only of Don and not much about the others but, really, everybody (like Marty and Kim at Action Animals) is well thought of and wished the very best. Don hasn’t gotten back to me about the package, I guess he’s busy off with his job. He works too damn much – can’t you just let him know that he should enjoy life while he can? I’d love to know what Promises you got out of him, too! He needs to let me know how to get in touch with your pilot friend and with Paul and I really like to meet him, too, while I am there. Somehow I don’t think he’d be into it, but then you never know about people sometimes.

‘night, darlin’ – it’s been awhile since you visited me: how about you come and see me soon? You are so very welcome and the cats don’t get frightened ‘cuz they can feel how much I love you and I just know Ruffie will recognise you as a treasured friend.

Sleep well and come when you can. Miss you.

- Susan