Thursday evening, 27 October 2005 [9:40 p.m.]:
Hey yas, Keith!
Oh, hon, I have been so tired the last few days, and I don’t know why. (There were a spate of late nights but I’ve never been one to go to bed early.) I was going to go to bed just a few minutes ago but I got to thinking that I haven’t been to be this early since I was a kid at home!
Been shopping eBay for camping/hiking/fishing stuff. Boy, do I have a lot to learn about fly-fishing!! All this business about the weight and the tapered leader (??) and whether the flys are wet or dry. I wish that you had taught me more or pointed me in the direction of a good book – and don’t even get me started on "patterns" – LOL! And I (selfishly) wish that I had some more of your gear besides your beloved Sage hat. You had some great "Bare" stuff – but thinking about it, I probably couldn’t handle carrying your waders anyway, I will just have too much stuff to carry. This is exciting and a bit scary and heaps of fun so far – the bloody topo maps are going to cost just under $CAN168 (and that’s just the paper ones – imagine what the Tyvex ones would cost)!!
Honey, I’m sleepy and I have to put Ruffie to bed and crawl into bed myself.
Thinking of you always –
- Susan
Sunday, 23 October 2005 [9:30 p.m.]:
Heyya, Grizz.
Been doing all sorts of things (but of course I haven’t stopped missing you). I’ve met some nice people (Chuck from Dawson Creek, BC, for instance and he reminds me of you some times) and some real jerks (Steve from Richmond – yuck!). Having a whale of a time with Google Earth and last night I went out with Slav for coffee at a place that Warwick had recommended and wound up picking the first jacaranda of the season for you from the Church Street Bridge over the Parramatta River. It’s on my bedside table in front of your picture and I’d like to take a photo of it but I have to get new batteries for the camera. I found out they were used up when I went to take a photo yesterday. Ruffie attacked a really nice pastel blue hoodie that I had on the line and I had to re-wash it (can’t fix all the holes she put in it, tho) and when I went out to bring it in there was a pretty moth that had decided the cuff was a perfect place for camouflage. Just one of those nice natural moments.
I haven’t heard back from Don! There is a tiny part of me that’s worried and scared that maybe Alison got rid of your package or something so he can’t send it and doesn’t want to have to be the one to tell me. Poor Don, he’s been the meat in the sandwich all along. I like him so much and I’m hoping he doesn’t have to go through something like this just for my sake. But I’m really scared. (Tears right now, too.)
How good it will be to be on the Skeena! You just have to be the Grizz that looks out for me and keeps the other bears away! And I’m hoping that maybe Don can help me to work out a way to contact your daughter if she would like to. I’m so grateful that Don made me think about the season – I mean I’ve only just found out that they get so much snow in Kitimat that the town’s symbol is a snowflake! Damn, it’s been years since I’ve been snowshoeing – that has just brought back some very old memories.
Honey, I’m going to go – I think I’ll spend some time tonight looking at some websites in the Hazelton area and looking at finding some contacts in the area.
Sweet dreams for us both –
- love, Susan
Wednesday night, 19 October 2005 [10:15 p.m.]:
Hey, there, Keith!
The strangest thing just happened – I had only *just* met someone on LL and we switched to MSN and straightaway they said "so - do you mind me asking who Keith is??" and I just felt my guts drop. I thought, "OMG – this person has read my blog!". Turns out I had downloaded a new version of Messenger today and now if you have something in your "My Space" page it automatically puts it in your contact card (and I can’t find out how to delete it).
Hon, I’ve been having the best time organising this trip! Today I won a 70 L backpack on eBay (there was a nicer one that was 75 L that I liked better but it was going for a lot more money). I was up until 2:45 a.m. last night going over maps and looking at topo maps of the area north from Hazelton and visiting and labelling rivers and lakes on Google Earth. Honey, you would LOVE it! Too bad it wasn’t available before you died because we could have spent lots of time going over the province with you showing me where you took that picture and shot that bear, etc.
Another thing I am looking forward to is just pitching my tent at night (and sunset will be real late due to the ‘midnight sun’ and all that) and then just kicking back and looking at the stars like you and Don used to do. I’ll admit that I’m a bit nervous about bear but I’ll get my hands on a couple of marine flares and I’ll be fine. Wozza is stressing a little – he wants me to have a GPS for safety sake (gotta be on the lookout for those killer porcupines! – LOL!) Even if I had one and needed to use it, I’d have to have one of the expensive ones that sends out an emergency beacon – as if I’m going to get mobile phone (cell) coverage up there!
So it’s all just full on right now – the jacarandas are blooming their beautiful heads off; I’m devouring maps, atlases, Google Earth and websites; and I’ve met some nice BC Canucks on LL. **And Don is mailing your package soon – yay!!** God’s in his heaven and all’s right with the world (except for the sobering fact that your not in it any more and I miss you so much. We’d have so much fun planning this trip together and I’m pretty sure you’d think that what I am intending to do is pretty cool. Feel honoured, Keith, because that is what I am trying to do, to honour you.) It’s driving me crazy wondering if you included Clayton’s book or not. I think I told you that I’m going to stop in to Bella Coola and see if I can find where Clayton is buried and leave some jacaranda for him, too. It is awesome the arrangement that you two had and I want to thank him for the comfort he gave you. I could see that the knowledge that he’d be there for you made it a lot easier for you to face the end. So, he has my love and thanks and I know he knows it. And just like he was there for you, so you promised to be there for me but I try to be patient and find the things that I am meant to do in this life and not try to hasten the time when I can finally see you.
Hon, I’m going to go and I think I’ll send a quick note to Don – he’s been a long time down in Vancouver, eh?
Look down and be happy for me – except for being upset about Graham (who rang today – I thought I’d die) – things have been pretty much on a roll. Only unpleasant thing on the horizon is that I have to get the car registered by the 3rd of November. An expensive exercise.
I love you, handsome –
- your Susan
Keith on his beloved Polaris sled, ice fishing on the lake. Where are your gloves, dude? The Grizz looks really, really tired in this picture if you look at a closeup - judging from the way he looks, I'd say this picture was taken in January 2005.
Ruffie and "Gra", 21 August 2005 - the day we brought Ruffie home.
Keith's picture that I mention in the post below. This must be an older pic as he's wearing his "Scientific Anglers" hat and not 'my' "Sage" one.