October 31, 2005

early Monday morning, 31 October 2005 [1:25 a.m.]:

Honey, I gotta be quick ‘cuz it’s late.

It’s almost November – that magical month when we met. I can hardly believe it’s come ‘round again – it is going to bring with it so many memories.

You miserable bugger! You should have taught me more! Now I’m buying fly rods and reels and don’t know a damn thing! What do the numbers about the rods mean, what about the "leader" and is it possible to find one that doesn’t cost the earth and breaks down to something under four feet in length!!??!! I won an eBay auction tonight with 10 nice salmon and trout flies – I am hoping my fishing rod/flies will keep me in food ‘cuz I sure can’t carry enough to keep me going the time it’s going to take me to get up that river. And tonight I found a site that has the level of the Skeena at Usk in real time. You never, ever thought I’d do this, did you? You should have let me come, Keith, you really should have – you have way underestimated me.

It is so funny, I am learning so much about the area – I know a lot more than many, many Canadians that I am running into. And I will go berserk when I get those 1 : 50,000 topo maps!

I’ve decided that when I come back from my trip, I am going to give fly-tying a go. I reckon I’ll be pretty good at it. Well, at least I can make an artistic fly – whether or not the fish think it’s cool is something else altogether! I keep thinking about you in that article where you whipped out some oarsman flies on the back of the Hummer. You just rock, dude!

I don’t know why but I lay in bed the other night and had a big cry. You seem so tantalisingly close to me sometimes and sometimes I don’t really believe that you are gone at all. How can the world even function without you? You were such a positive force for good.

Poor Don – he blew his truck’s transmission on the way down to Van and got stuck in some tiny town for days and had to pay out a small fortune to get it fixed. And I am here packing ‘cuz I hadn’t heard back that he had sent the package! He’s a great guy – I hope that I get to meet him in the summer. I know he’s into hunting but dunno about hiking – maybe he’d want to come with me. It would be OK if any of your friends wanted to come with me – but no way I’d take any strangers. This is, I suppose, sort of a sacred thing not an excursion – I have decided that while I am on the Skeena trail, I am not going to play my iPod. I want to focus completely on you and on the river and I might even get a small digital recorder to record the river and bird and whatever sounds.

Anyway, my heart’s treasure, I’m calling it quits and going to bed. Thank you for everything (and there was HEAPS that you did for me and continues to be). I love you –

- Susan


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