May 24, 2005

Saturday afternoon, 21 May 2005 [5:00 p.m.]:

Hey, ya’, my treasured friend. Of course, I am missing you as much as always.

Today was absolutely glorious! Just a hint of chill and sparkling sunlight. We have two large poinsettias in the back yard and with the daylight hours shorter, they are just going for it. Their red colour is so eye-catching and splendid – but I don’t think they work as cut flowers. You know them – in the Northern Hemisphere you get them at Christmas time. Sadly the white and lemon frangipani (plumeria) and the pink/red hibiscus are suffering from the short, chilly days and starting to lose leaves and flowers. The neighbour (Steve) says that the hibiscus must be many years old because it is so big. One more month to go and the days will slowly start to get longer, thank God. BTW – my birthday is on the 22nd of June – the longest day up North, but the shortest day down here.

Honey, I am going out tonight. I am going to that club where I saw the Sage logo on Justin’s SUV. In fact, I’m going to become a member if it doesn’t cost too much, as they seem to have a lot of things on. BTW on Friday on my way to Dr Ross’ Justin was directly in front of me in a turning lane. I was going to get out and go tell him about Dan’s site losing their archived data but the light changed and he was gone. Funny to run in to him again, given the millions of people here in Sydney.

Also today I coloured my hair. I went from medium-dark brown with a reddish cast to a sort of mahogany colour. When I was a kid and up until my thirties, my hair was a chestnut colour – curly when I was young and gradually going to wavy and then mainly straight. But after Warwick was born it completely changed – it went to spiral curls and got a lot darker. I like my natural hair colour (chestnut) but I can’t seem to find the shade that my hair was. Anyway, right now it’s mahogany red! Keith, I love the red in your hair – imagine what mischief us two redheads could get up to!!! ;-)

Wondered a bit today about Colleen, Alison and Don and what is going on with them. In a case of eternal (and perhaps misplaced) optimism, I am still looking for your package. The fact that somebody is going against your last wishes is definitely going against the grain here. I try not to get angry (I mean, it doesn’t do any good, does it, and it only hurts me and not them anyway) but it’s hard. I like to be a nice person and be thought of as a nice person but some of my pain is turning to anger nonetheless. I know it sounds weird but if I had whatever it is that you sent me I think I could perhaps start making steps to accept your death and its finality. But there is a lot of unfinished business flying around and I seem to be trapped in an endless loop of grieving.

I hope your daughter is OK – I feel for her, I really do. Thank God that you two had such a good relationship. I’m sorry that things didn’t work out in the end with Craig. Craig D. – if by some chance you come to read this I want you to know that your father loved you very, very much and wanted so very much for things to be mended between you two. Let go of whatever it is that is keeping you apart and, even though he is gone, accept him back into your life. It will do you both good.

OK – well, that was a bit emotional for me, your intense Tiger. I’m going to go rustle up something for dinner and dry up these tears before I go out. I’ll write you tomorrow or maybe even after I get home tonight. Back with you soon –

- love, Susan


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