May 15, 2005

early Tuesday morning, 26 April 2005 [12:30 a.m.]:

Hi, there, my very own Grizz. How is it going with you?

The moon is almost full and her light is washing out that of the stars; I can see them, but only just.

Today was ANZAC* Day, the day that Aussies and Kiwis (New Zealanders) remember the men and women who fought for their country. This is the first ANZAC Day in four years that Warwick hasn’t gone down to the dawn ceremony at Martin Place in the city. With the move, ANZAC Day sort of crept up on us – he’s been wanting to march in the parade wearing his grandfather’s (on his father’s side) medals and carrying his picture but we didn’t get it organised this year.

We did manage to work on the yard, which is looking a thousand times better, and put a couple of boxes of kitchen stuff away.

Honey, I never for one second stopped thinking of you today but the pain is lessening. I am not feeling that gut-wrenching grief like I was but there are still tears. I told you that we would be OK and, see, we are. Your leaving me has hit me harder then I ever expected it to but, as I said, there are no regrets.

I wrote an affirmation for you today, I guess because I am upset at "the family’s" way of dealing with your death. Here it is:

Everyone knows the names of the diabolical, the insane, the cruel
…Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler…
but who knows the names of the loving, the selfless, the constant,
the mentors, the givers?
I will give you the name of such a man,
a treasure to friends and family.
He is
Keith Dyer
and I choose to celebrate his life.
Let the Celebrations begin!

Keith, I choose to honour you as you asked me to, I choose to love and treasure you, I choose to celebrate you. And you deserve so much more than that!
Time for me to head off to bed – I love that dozy, snuggly time before I fall asleep when we spend a little time together. Give me one of your heaven-sent hugs…

Always yours –

- S.


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