March 21, 2005

Thursday night, 10 March 2005 [11:45 p.m.]

Hi, honey, it’s me again.

Bit of a weird day today: looked at two houses for rent, went to lunch with two people from the School, had a meeting that went on for ages, got practically nothing done. Picked up Warwick after work and took him to look at the houses and decided to take the cheap one. Argued with him about moving – his ideas are totally different to mine. Missed out on going to the gym tonight. Tomorrow I will draw up a bit of a budget and see if I can make an appointment at the bank to get a personal loan. Not sure what I will do if they say "no".

On the way home from work there was a large flock of sulfur-crested cockatoos on the side of Olympic Drive – I haven’t seen so many together in a long, long time. At first they looked like huge blossoms in the trees and then they flapped their wings any you knew they were cockies. My first thought was to try and find a place to pull over and park so I could take some photos for you ‘cuz I knew you’d enjoy seeing them – and then the realisation that I have nowhere to send them to. I do so miss you.

The iPod arrived this morning – I’m sorry but I can’t remember if I told you about it. I ordered directly from Apple (instead of from the Apple University shop) so I was able to get it laser engraved. It says, " ‘You can never fail if you never quit.’ Keith " – right there, right on my iPod! I know you would be pleased if you knew. Your motto, your music, your name right there with me. Now is a really bad time to have bought it because I really need the money for the security deposit and the move, etc. but I couldn’t resist.

The house is really cute and really horrible at the same time. Little old fashioned Victorian-style timber house but it has been divided down the middle (we sure hope the guy next door doesn’t play his TV loud – I might have to retaliate with ZZ Top – LOL!). It has lots of coloured glass. The yard is a mess. Lots of broken glass, lots of trash in the yard (tyres and wheels, a rusted photocopier, tree branches). Inside is horrible – the carpet in the tiny bedroom has a huge burn mark in the centre of the carpet – charming. Kitchen is filthy – cupboards are dark brown frames with orange doors and they are dirty. Bathroom is a mess – mouldy ceiling, broken toilet seat and lid. No room for cosmetics, etc. There is a front verandah with large coloured glass windows that slide open. Pressed tin ceilings. Fireplace. The place is a dump but it is cute and will need a lot of work. I eventually want to paint the bathroom and the kitchen – at least the cupboards. I know how much you loved your kitchen with it’s island bench and big sliding door to the deck – well you would be horrified if you saw where we are going to be living! And the stove is electric – I HATE electric stoves.

You are never going to come and live with me or help me; I am never going to get to come and live with you. I am renting this place because it is the cheapest place I have seen and it’s cute. The neighbourhood worries me a bit – it is rumoured that there is a fair bit of drug use around.

Oh, dear – I just got off the ‘phone with the Auburn police. The officer was very nice but basically said that was a bad area with lots of robberies, home invasions (!!), car theft, drug use, etc. Imagine not being able to leave the back door open on a summer evening for fear some junkie will come barging in. She suggested I go and have a talk to the neighbours and see what they are like and get a feel for the place. Bugger – what to do? I know you believe in the power of positive thinking and I am trying to put a positive spin on this. Bloody hell – I really thought the Year of the Rooster was going to be better for Wozza and I.

Rats – it’s almost 1 a.m. again and I have to go to bed – I just am not getting enough sleep lately. And, since you asked, I haven’t gotten anything from Canada, by post or by email. I am trying very hard to be patient (but look where it got me the last time I tried to be patient – I put off ‘phoning you and we never made contact again).

Only one star tonight to wish upon but that’s all I need – if only by wishing I could have you back and make you well. Please watch over Warwick and I – we need a guardian angel.

Goodnight, Grizz –

- love, Tiger Woman


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