March 23, 2005

Sunday night, 13 March 2005 [11:45 p.m.]

Keith – 4:45 in the night in Canada and by now, I am sure, you would be gone.

We had a lovely neighbour when we lived up in Townsville – her name was Margie and she was a teacher. She gave Warwick a book for Easter – a famous children’s book in Australia: "Possum Magic". There were so many parents and students and friends that loved her but she was killed in a car accident in Far North Queensland. She had made a positive difference in the world and is missed by many – just as you are.

It’s that old "only the good die young" thing, isn’t it? Why you were taken and why you had to suffer, I just don’t know. What I do know is that, for the most part, you had a wonderful life and you leave a hole in our lives and in our hearts that will never be filled.

I have thought of you constantly today and several times had to stop in our sorting and packing just to steady myself. But I do believe that if I had been there I would not have held you back but would, instead, have helped you to reach out and take Clayton’s hand in yours so you could follow him. You had earned your rest, sweetheart.

Now have fun up there and if there’s any hot babes, just go for it – you know I wouldn’t hold you back. Just remember me from time to time and throw a little help our way if you can arrange to pull any strings.

I cannot begin to describe how much I miss you. All my considerable love –

- S.


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