March 09, 2005

Monday, 21 February 2005 [11:30 p.m.]

Hey ya, Keith. I just had a look at the weather at 108 and it’s looking a bit chilly (-12° C) but it’s clear out. Would be a good night to go out and have a look at your star in Ursa Major but then I guess you’ve got a ringside seat now!

It’s rained a lot lately and hot and humid. The perfect weather for the frogs to start their nighttime singing (you’d probably want to use them for bait!). Saw lorikeets up close and personal on campus today and wished you could have been there to see them. And I saw the most amazing thing! When I left to go to lunch there was the most amazing bug in the carpark. Its body was shiny black but it had the most beautiful wings – they looked like a medium blue iridescent foil.

Long day at work today and all those difficulties we’ve been having with Student Administration caused a lot of problems for our first-year Sonography students who were on campus today for their first block attendance. It was a long day – had to get coursework materials ready for handout at 9:00 a.m., work my usual day and then attend a Postgraduate Orientation evening – didn’t finish until after 8:00 p.m.

Have been getting a number of emails from Canada, Keith, and I think they might be from some of your friends. Unfortunately, they are coming to my Uni email address and not the jacaranda_blue one and the University server is stripping them out because they appear to have a virus. I’d so much like to hear from them! In some cases I sent them an email asking them to resend to the jacaranda addy but some even have the sender’s addy stripped and I can’t reply. It is certainly depressing and I don’t want them to think that I am just ignoring them. I want so badly to hear from Alison and Ken. Don M. said that you and Ken had a big pow-wow and then Ken left and he wouldn’t talk about what you two discussed. Secret men’s business (that’s an Australian expression), I guess. Oh, I also got an email from someone in the myeloproliferative disorder newsgroup (MPD-NET) about your PV and another stripped email came from someone at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles again, I think, about MPD-NET. People are being really supportive. People at Uni who have heard what happened are being great, too.

I just looked up at your photo (with the cub) and got that big smile I get when I look at it. You make me feel so solid and steady. So wonderful for both of us for you to have shared so much with me – you know my favourite photos: you with the cub, you and the spring salmon and the one of you and Kisa that brought us together.

Oh, I haven’t told you about the rings! Well, you hardly had any photos of me (remember on the 9th how we said we’d send each other photos when you got back from Paul’s?) and you certainly wouldn’t have had a pic of my fingers. Years ago, I wore a lot of silver rings, but when you met me I was only wearing two on my right hand. Somewhere in the time between when we spoke that second time on the 9th and when I got the news about your death on the 18th, I got all freaky. I knew something was wrong. I absolutely insisted on finding my rings and putting them back on. Warwick and I looked and looked and finally found them – right now I am wearing ten silver rings, mostly of animals (a cat, three turtles, a wombat, a dinosaur, two Chinese dragons & one ring with six animals on it), two with flowers and one with sort of decorative etchings. Buddy, you’ve got tatts, I’ve got rings! ;-) . Wish we could sit on your bed and go through the stories that go with each of them. I don’t know why I suddenly had to have them back on again but the urge was irresistible.

I’ve wondered what happened to the t-shirts I sent you – I know you wore the black grizzly one and Jimmi picked out the hunting/game one but what about the wild cats one – did Ken take it? Did you wear it? Hmmm. It would be nice to hear from Jimmi – I hope you gave him my address. I had wanted to talk to him while he was at 108 but by the time we chatted he had gone to bed – you night owl, you!

Was just thinking that I’m pretty much a night owl, too, and not very much of a morning person but it’s almost one a.m. and I have to be out at Uni in the morning. So, honey, I’m going to say goodnight and I’ll write to you again tomorrow.

All my love –



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