March 29, 2005

Friday night, 25 March 2005 [11:45 p.m.]

Keith – well your little honey is just about the grottiest ever in her whole life! Ick! Worked cleaning at the new house and on sorting for the garage sale. Warwick and I went ‘round the neighbourhood putting up signs and it’s been advertised in several newspapers.

This morning was a morning of birds. There were some pretty finches in the TV aerial and some bulbuls came along and tried to scare them away. In just a few minutes a flock of sulfur-crested cockatoos went over and later a flock of those silly lorikeets. You would have loved it. Bulbuls are not native – they were brought over from India as caged birds because they have a beautiful song. And then there’s all the feathers you could use for fly-tying!

God, I cried tonight. Awful. Will write Don tomorrow night and then I am going to start composing a letter to Alison. I can’t take this not knowing. I miss you so much and I am just floundering about – you wouldn’t let it happen to Sunny, would you?

Just remember, especially when I start to sound cranky like now, that I love you more than just about anything in my life. Honey, I would not have held you back, you didn’t need to worry about that – you were meant to feel that you could rely on me and lean on me. Honey, we had so much fun together and you always tried to look after me.

I had a big cry in the living room ‘cuz there in one of the big chairs is where I sat when you first rang me and within a week we will be out of this house and that memory will start to fade away. Yes, some things will fade away and some already have but I will always love you and treasure you and miss you.
Thanks for all the wonderful photos and memories which mean so very, very much to me –

- S.


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