January 05, 2005

for Keith - a song by Sonia Dada

Newspapers lying by the door
and I don’t miss you anymore.
I took the elevator down from the thirteenth floor,
and you ain’t thinking about me.

I read the paper, I played my old Strat,
I spent eighteen dollars at the local laundromat
and the north-bound train ran over my very best hat
and you ain’t thinking about me.

The sky is heavy and the road is wet,
it glistens in the night like a lit cigarette.
I got a dollar in my pocket and how much you wanna bet
that you ain’t thinking about me, anymore.

There’s good times and bad times and something in between
and for awhile you were the best thing that I’d ever seen.
And then one day, don’t know why, you up and turned mean
and you ain’t thinking about me.

I wish I had a headache, I wish I had the flu
or somebody or something else or something else to do,
because the last thing I want is to be thinking about you
when you ain’t thinking about me, no you ain’t thinking about me,

You Ain’t Thinking (About Me)
by D. Pritzker of Sonia Dada (© 1999 Calliope Music LP)

Hear this and other Sonia Dada soundclips at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000068Q1H/002-4832778-1004836?tag=itsquick12-20&tagid=itsquick12-20&v=glance&s=music&vi=samples .


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